USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

What was the email subject(header)?

@Racingfan53 and @raincat, I can confirm that the USC merit scholarships and Thornton music scholarships are two different things. And, if you are applying for a major that does qualify for a Thornton scholarship and you receive that music scholarship, it stacks on top of the USC merit scholarship.

Hey guys! Has anybody gotten a housing application email/login information yet? I was admitted and got my package on the 25th but I still haven’t received any emails regarding housing information.

@cjsimeon I just got an email regarding housing!

Hey everyone! I’ve been admitted to USC, but I still havent received a package in the mail? Not sure where to go from here, it was something I was really looking for. Should reach out to my admissions counselor / the admissions office? I live in the Greater Seattle area.

Call admissions - be pushy and have them resend. Otherwise after too much time it gets harder.

Hey! I have yet to receive my package as well. I’m from Vancouver. I thought we would have received it already as we’re both on the West Coast, but I’m not sure. Let me know if you get yours!

This question literally goes to anyone who thinks they can answer it, but do you think that it will hurt me that my why USC essay was about specific things the school could offer and why that would be best for me and my goals? I’m seeing a lot of people post about how they (people who got in already) wrote about some philosophical epiphany and something really important to their identity and how USC fits that, and I now feel like like my essay is too typical. I sometimes struggle with expressing my excitement in such short word limits and I wrote so many drafts that had just been about my excitement to go there, but I wanted to prove that I did my research and knew what usc offered and I did the classical “with (school)’s (class) i can do (this) which supports my goal to do this.” I feel so confident about every other essay but this one now because what others are saying they wrote about!

Did I shoot myself in the foot for not making such a personal why statement? Does anyone else feel like this?

@CindyLeuWho if it makes you feel any better, I felt my why usc essay was pretty typical/standard and was just admitted! I talked about why I am interested in my prospective major and how usc has certain programs/values that intertwine with it. I also had some fun w/ it and tried to show my personality (im pretty sure i mentioned the sprinkles cupcake ATM they have on campus). Take my words with a grain of salt because I am not an AO but I don’t think one essay will completely ruin your chances of admission if you believe your other ones are pretty solid. I wish you the best of luck!!

Hi everyone! For those admitted to USC as a scholarship finalist, what are you going to wear to Explore USC day? I know last year it was a 2 day program where everyone dressed casually for both days and then they changed into formal clothes for the interview. Since this year is a 1 day program, should we wear formal clothes the entire day? Thanks!

@tablechairphone Suggested attire for the interview is business casual but you can wear whatever you want for the rest of explore USC. I’ll probably wear something casual and then change for the interview.

When do scholarship decisions come out? I know it has to be at least March 5 because of that’s the last Explore USC, but or was wondering if anyone knows the final decision for the scholarship last year.

They use to come out a week before regular decisions, but over last 5 years they have moved to around same time or after regular decisions by a couple days. So end-ish of March regardless. In 2018, scholarships decisions posted to portal on 3/22. Reguar decisions had been mailed the same day and started arriving then next.

But it was different in 2019…

Last year, (2019) regular decisions were mailed on 3/21 and started receiving in Socal on 3/22. Scholarship decisions were emailed after after regular decisions were out. People started receiving notification on March 25th, updating around 6pm.

Hey guys! Who would be interested in joining a group chat for Explore USC students on Instagram?

Were rejections and deferrals for priority applicants also sent at the same time as acceptances?

@Newmommy9999 there were no rejections in this round. Applications not chosen for a scholarship will be looked at again with the rest of the applications received after Dec 1. The portals updated on January 25 letting everyone know their status. My son received an email saying he did not get a scholarship interview. I don’t think he’s looked at his portal.

Has anyone received an interview request for SCA yet? Post when you do!!!

@Marcie123 Yeah - my daughter’s portal was not updated. no change at all. And no email or letter.

That’s weird. You’re daughter should give the admissions center a call.

@Newmommy9999 Did she apply by December 1st?