USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

I just looked it up. 2019 stats from USC website: last year 66,198 fall applicants so this year the total number of applicants dropped as they received “over 59,000”. That should give applicants to USC in 2020 an advantage as that is a drop of over 7,000 applications from last year.

Freshman profiles for each year contain lots of good data, just fyi…

It will be interesting to see if the applicant numbers for the UC schools also dropped this year. They saw a 3% decline last year. Cal Poly SLO’s application numbers for this year dropped for the second year in a row.

I am not 100% positive but I don’t think the stats were specific for those attending that day. I think they were more of a general reference to how high the scores were for those admitted early. He also spoke about what students listed as their favorite foods (Cheetos was popular), ideal roommate - popular choices were Hermione Granger and other HP or Friends cast members. This year was the first year they asked the question about what class you would teach.

Before stating the stats of the early admits, he said something about the average ACT of the entering class being 33 and the average SAT as 14xx. I didn’t get the exact number for the SAT.

Preliminary data show a small systemwide drop for UC overall, though Berkeley, Irvine, and San Diego saw a slight increase.


@lkg4answers If I recall correctly the average sat was either 1470 or 1480 ( I think 1480). Some of the answers to the short questions were really funny - I really want to find the guy who said he was “handsome, intelligent, and humble.”

And just an FYI for future students - I know we’re all paranoid, but the short answers really do not matter. At all. They’re really just for the admissions team to get to know us and enjoy some laughs. If they did matter quite a few of the early admitted students probably would not be there.

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But they DO care about LA vs non-LA, of which they admit many more LA students that reside near USC


Can you tell me how the male students dressed for the scholarship interviews? A worried mom of an applicant called me asking since the email said “business attire” not business casual. I told them not to stress and that California’s business attire maybe our business casual, but does anyone know a good answer?

Business casual is fine and the norm. Non-jeans with a button down, a dress shirt or polo for guys, girls in slacks or a dress of almost any kind…A suit and tie is really more than necessary (but some will wear that and it’s ok), business attire can be more like country club casual in CA, but heck, anything goes here …if the student feels good in what they wear, that can be the most important thing in terms of helping their confidence.

@CADREAMIN people were more dressed up for the interviews than what you state above. Some girls were in suits and some girls were in casual dresses.

@2022soon Many wore suit and ties all day. Some were dressed more casual during the day and changed into a suit for the interview.

@CADREAMIN @lkg4answers

Ok thank you!! So glad I asked. This student is incredibly bright and personable, but from very modest means. I suggested khakis and a dress shirt that he owns & offered a jacket he could borrow and a tie if he wants. They thought that was perfect for him to still feel comfortable. He will nail the interview- so genuine and charismatic.

On a side note… Wow, walking around in suits all day at USC in a California!! I definitely would not have expected that.

@2022soon It was cool in the morning. Many took their jackets off when it warmed up and then put them back on again for the interview in the afternoon.

For what it is worth, we saw a few USC students skateboarding across campus in suits. Not sure why.

What I was trying to say is that suits are worn, but certainly not required…not every kid owns a suit, or wants to wear one. Yes and of course, business suits for girls makes sense, or a dress or slacks… confidence and presentation is way more important than what you wear. Some kids will look like they are at their speech and debate tournament, others will carry a different style and it’s all good. USC isn’t so hoity toity (thank goodness) that you aren’t free to be yourself.

@2022soon Way to help out! That is perfect. Yes, the genuine will come out way more than him not wearing a jacket if he so chooses. :slight_smile: Sometimes not being yourself can show through more, so I think they need to be comfortable on the inside with what they are showing on the outside.

The skate boarders…they have presentations that they have to do that are required for business classes and suits can be required for those. Assume they were boarding their way to class. Probably other classes too, but standard for the business majors.

@CADREAMIN good because he just went with his khakis and button down. I looked over his application before he turned it in and they will definitely know he is not accustom to that. He’s pretty hard not to love when you meet, so he will be fine! Thanks for the advice.

@lkg4answers my son (who is not interviewing) loved the skate board thing at USC on his visit. Had to be a funny sight for sure in suits! I hope you get a scholarship.

D and I were there for Explore USC on Monday. She said she’d want a skateboard if she went there. She’s never ridden one so I told her I’d get her a scooter. ?

D auditioned for USC SDA (Acting) decisions mid March! Waiting…waiting… lol

When do you think we’ll hear about admissions? Thanks!

Week of March 23rd.

are there any USC SDA, School of the Dramatic Arts applicants in here?

Yes SDA, but no postcard, only financial aid emails galore.