USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

Do you know what percentage are employees’ kids?

@lkg4answers Sorry… no. But with an academic staff of 4,451 and an administrative staff of 15,717, USC’s 20,168 employees could certainly be a factor too. It’s likely hard to guess the # of children of college age or those that may or may not also apply to USC. But technically speaking, being an USC employee does not automatically connote legacy status to a child applying. That is only determined by an applicant having a parent, grandparent, or sibling who graduated from USC (or is currently enrolled). Having a parent work for USC is another category altogether.

I understand that they are not considered a legacy and I believe (but am not sure) that they are no longer offering the free tuition option to new employees. I know the students need to get into USC on their own academic merits. I’m just curious how many do.

Does anyone know if you can apply for Trustee scholarship going into sophomore year? we are still waiting for acceptance but if we are accepted would like to try for second chance.

@lkg4answers I’ve never seen those #s. Maybe someone else can offer an educated guess.

Sorry, no. Those big scholarships are only given out to incoming freshman. There are other departmental scholarships or outside ones you can look into, but they are generally much smaller in amount. You can check the USC website for potential scholarships for ongoing students, a lot of times they are within the academic departments, so you can ask them what may be available as well, once a student.

Do financial aid packages come out at the same time as admission decisions?

@usc23456 No, but usually from 3-7 days after decisions post. If they need more info from an applicant it can take longer…

So it can be a great time or tough time. Kids will find out they are accepted (yay!) but may also find out a few days later they can’t afford to go. :frowning:

It happens. And of course they may get great aid too, it’s just a lot of students don’t understand the process (nor should they but parents need to so expectations are clear) so every year there are some puzzled posters. It can be complicated to understand, especially at a school that uses CSS.

I was just curious, if a family member’s attending usc right now, will that look a bit better on my application? Even tho it’s only gonna make a 0.1% difference

Any news about whether USC shutting down because of the coronavirus will change when admission decisions are posted?

It will not change when decisions are posted, they are even working through spring break.

I have heard that the mailed packages are different if you were admitted or a rejection letter. Is this true?


Packages are 9" x 11.5" beautiful white boxes that are 1" thick, with a gorgeous red “box-style” folder inside. There is certificate of admission, it’s pretty fancy. We still have all four of ours! They are heavy! Spring admits are yellow boxes.

Rejection letters are just a regular letter that arrive at end of notification cycle, typically about same time as portals update, so some catch up with boxes arriving. That same letter also appears in your portal. Each year we wonder if they will still mail the rejection letter. So far they have.

According to the freshman profile, scions (legacy) are 17% of 3168 students for class of 2023. I believe the percentage has been more like that vs 20% as USC has become more competitive. (That is 15% less then 20% so it is significant)

I think the admit boxes will go out this week. If Ivy Day is March 26, USC decisions are seemingly mailed the week before so people get their boxes or the portal before Ivy Day. So I think the portal will update next weekend March 21/22). This is probably just because of where April 1 falls. Just my opinion.

USC emailed daughter this afternoon regarding additional FAFSA info for determining financial aid? Imperative she reply right away… of corse she sent the info they requested right away. Is that a good sign? Anyone have any insight?

There has been so much crazy things going on so getting a package would mean the world to me! I am so scared!

Thank you. It is a very valuable information. Appreciated it.

I am not an expert but I don’t believe it means anything. Every email we’ve received from Financial Aid says to reply right away and my kid has already been accepted.

Will decisions come out on the 23rd march?

can everyone stop asking that? they’ve speculated that will be the date at least 10 times in the past 2 weeks and no one knows for sure