USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

hi! i’d recommend looking through the last 5-10 pages of this thread to get caught up. It has been speculated that packages may go out as early as the 19th with portals updating the 21st. the general consensus seems to be that we’ll know sometime in the range of the early twenties of march (before ivy day on the 26th).

of course, with corona, nothing is certain. actually even regardless of corona nothing is certain, so nobody can promise you that you’ll know on a certain day (though CADREAMIN does tend to know her stuff haha).

other schools have actually had to adjust decision times because their admissions department has needed to react to the virus spreading and figure out a new plan for visits, tours, working from home, etc. but yeah please read through recent posts on the thread because that will probs answer any and all questions about decision dates, when packages arrive, etc.

During ExploreUSC, I heard March 25th, not sure “by” or “on”.

Thaanks so muchh @currentbsstudent ! Just wondering, will applicants get notified when theres a package that will be sent or will it be random? // do all accepted students get the usc white box (package) // will we get the package first or an online notification?


Do we know which schools have postponed decision day from May 1?

decision dates are being postponed?

Some schools have, but not sure which ones.

Hey all, given the fluid situation we are all in, it sounds like the notifications are going to be handled very different this year since admissions now working from home - got info from a couple different sources. Stay tuned.

they’re going to be handled differently? like does that potentially mean they won’t send out packages and will just do it all online so there’s no risk of anything spreading?

My D is a student ambassador and she told me that they may not be sending packets this year. They may just do a portal update. She does not know the date. Since the office is closed and she is home, she does not know anything other than this.

My S is a high school senior and is also waiting to hear from USC and two other schools. I know this is a stressful time between waiting and most likely having to do the next few weeks of high school from home. Hang in there and take care of yourselves!

I received an email from USC’s financial aid office asking me to send a form from veri-tax. Is this a good sign or does it not mean anything?

Yes, I heard the same as @Marcie123 - that they are going to portal updates and won’t send packages. I’m hoping to get a timeline from my birdie still at USC. With all the other stress people are subject to, I am hoping USC sends out an tweet or something from admissions with at least the expected day of notification. Be well everyone!

Does USC usually tweet out the notification date?


I received an email from USC’s financial aid office asking me to send a form from veri-tax. Is this a good sign or does it not mean anything?

@biochemmajor11 I received the same request last week… not exactly sure how to take it though!!

@wanglou do you think you’re a good candidate to get accepted?

@biochemmajor11 @wanglou It’s hard to believe they would go to the trouble of a tax review for ALL applicants, however, a couple of months back, we met with financial aid and they really wanted us to know that admissions and financial aid were completely independent of each other. We got the same Veri-tax request. I believe it just means that they had additional (financial aid) questions. They also told us that aid packages are sent 7-10 days after admission offers are sent because they wait to receive the admitted students’ info from admissions. I, too, would like to think this additional tax verification is a positive sign but I don’t think so.

@biochemmajor11 @wanglou idk if this helps but I got accepted and didn’t get any veri tax request

Maybe they don’t need to verify everyone’s information, even if you are in the “yes” pile?

I can’t believe they have the time to verify everyone’s tax info. I would think there was at least some kind of pre-screening. So maybe it’s not a definite sign an acceptance is coming, but at least you are in the maybe pile?

It would be interesting to know, once acceptances come out, if there is anyone that got the verification request that gets denied.

Good luck everyone! RD can be really hard at a school like Emory, as you already know.

Hi, I hope I could be helpful on this thread. My school counselor used to work in the USC admissions office and based on his knowledge, packets will be sent at 3/26 2PM, and the portal update may be around 3/28 3PM. Please tell me if I’m not supposed to share these here!