USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

@CindyLeuWho I completely agree!! This is an open forum and people should feel free asking their questions without judgement. I’m glad you brought that up because I was thinking the same thing…on many threads, not just this one.

@biochemmajor11 I’ve been doing this for over a decade with four admitted to USC, and I know the answer is FA inquiries don’t matter, but at this stage of the game, even I have a hard time believing they don’t. And if someone got anything a week before admissions, most everyone would assume that a positive sign! But my fear is setting someone’s expectations over the moon, then have things come crashing down if they don’t get in. Always better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed. That is the worst thing I could contribute to, so sometimes being more neutral leaning is just better. Best of luck to you! :slight_smile:

Good luck everyone!!!

@CADREAMIN thank you for the insight!

But I have another question for others. Did anyone else get a Veri-tax update, and if so, how qualified do you think you are to get accepted?

Sorry, I have decision anxiety waiting for usc to come out?

We received the veri tax email last week and also another reminder a few days later. I believe I’m qualified.

Already accepted into Cornell, UCSD, and received Chancellors Reception invite for UCSB so I assume I will be accepted there tomorrow as well.

I don’t know if the tax request a week before notifications means anything. But best of luck to everyone.

Welp haven’t heard anything from usc so I guess time to just expect nothing weeeee

@hsparent13 what “reminder” did you get “a few days ago”?

I also didn’t get anything other than the interview invitation back in February

@biochemmajor11 just a reminder to turn in requested forms because we didn’t turn them in when we received the first email. I believe I received the “reminder” Saturday.

My question is why couldn’t they get the info from the forms I uploaded on my CSS profile via idoc. That’s where all of my other privates requested additional paperwork.

@foxfox what interview email?

@biochemmajor11 A handful of applicants got the chance to get interviewed from one of the admission officers back in February. It wasn’t an indicator of admission though.

did anyone else receive the veri-tax email and believe they are well qualified to be accepted to usc?

I am super nervous and hope we do find out the 21!

Does anyone know when scholarship results will be posted? 21st as well?

@biochemmajor11 My son received the VeriTax request. However, with the number of applications USC receives, I’m not sure how one could determine ‘well qualified’. I believe my son has good of a chance as anyone else but over the years, I have seen ‘well qualified’ applicants get rejected.

As it relates to VeriTax, we received the initial request on March 5th. Then again, on March 12th and March 14th, we received an email saying additional documentation was needed. We logged in and the original Veritax document had not yet been processed. I called and was told those reminders were automated and (assured) it had been received and that the system just had not yet ‘caught up’ and marked it ‘received’.

I have always been under the impression, and since USC itself has always said so, that the financial aid and admissions offices operate on two completely separate and independent paths. But, I can also tell you that all current students, as I understand it, that are receiving financial aid are now required to use the VeriTax process. That is an independent service that likely costs USC extra money. So… if it is accurate that not all FA applicants received such a VeriTax request, that may in fact be a potential early indicator. I of course do not know if all FA applicants received such a request or not. But we will soon likely be able to tell if this is in fact an early hint or not.

Good luck to all of this year’s applicants. The wait is almost over…

I could be wrong but it is my understanding that the declaration that “financial aid and admissions are completely separate” is true at need blind schools like USC, but I think that is in the context of admissions decisions. I could see a scenario where decisions have been made/close to being made (a “maybe” pile?) where admissions needs the financial numbers worked up to be able to make the admissions offers. But maybe not if now we are hearing it’s an automated process…but is it automated based on some kind of indicator admissions put in the system?

It would be interesting to try to figure this out. We did not apply for aid, but maybe those of you that did, when you get your decisions if you think of it maybe say whether or not you got this financial aid email.

does anyone know what time of day the portal is usually updated?

Anyone else get asked to send the form verifying social security number in order to connect FA with USC record?

@AbLindsay My son did not receive such a request.