USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

Please don’t go into hysteria over getting FA requests at this point, if you didn’t get anything it doesn’t mean you are not accepted, it just means your file is complete. That’s a good thing! And if you did get a request it doesn’t mean you are accepted, USC is working from this automated list - if you have this, they need that - it’s not simple.

Some people have very complicated portfolios and USC considers much more than a lot of schools when determining aid. What they need from someone that owns a house or business is different than for someone that doesn’t. No two families are the same in what they have and what they want. Techincally, more than half are full pay at USC so it’s not like every applicant requires this extensive review. So they aren’t doing this for 50-60k apps. Full pays may not do any FA paperwork and just write checks or are just doing loans (which then puts them in the “getting aid” category even though they really aren’t), that’s not much work for them. Others want/need all kinds of aid, but the numbers they process are no where new the total applicants, so it’s not as big a thing as people think to manage the rest.

The FA office is a separate entity, they really don’t have the list (and besides, they are working from home now) and their job is to make sure everything is checked off. They do it every year, for the applicants requesting aid. It’s a giant filing job with a lot of automation behind it.

Some getting requests will get in, some will not, it’s that simple. Best of luck, I hope all your dreams come true. Stay well all!


In general, does applying for more school scholarships prove interest? For example, the scholarship essays that were on the SCA application and the additional ethnic scholarships.

Anyone waiting to hear from Thornton Music Industry?

How likely is it to hear back on the 21st? What time are portals typically updated?

@swiftlysparkling My son applied to Thornton. Fingers crossed!

@swiftlysparkling I applied to Thornton, though not for music industry. USC is the dream…

My son applied to USC Thornton for composition. I’m gonna assume it’s an insanely tough school/program to be admitted to

Yes I am waiting, good luck!! Hopefully we get in

My friend’s brother applied for a master’s in film scoring and already got in so hopefully we find out soon

I’m so thankful that many of you on here will receive terrific news. It is soooo needed during this time. Good luck to all of you well deserved applicants!

@fd1676 that is much appreciated. Also, does anyone know if usc will send out the white boxes this year?

How many Thornton applicants (on this thread) auditioned for a Thornton major? What major did you audition for? Where did you travel from?

@biochemmajor11 If you see past posts a few pages back, people with connections to admissions say they have heard news of only portals this year.

@biochemmajor11 Based on what others have said here, the white box will not be sent this year because of the coronavirus. The applicants will be notified by updating the portal.

@mom2jw My son did not have an audition as part of his process for music composition. He had to submit a pretty extensive portfolio instead. We’re from Austin Texas

From reddit: Hi Yaardiegyal,

As of now, given the new circumstances, we will not be planning to send admission packets. All decisions will be posted virtually. You will receive your admission decision in your USC portal by the end of March.

Best, Kristin

Kristin Robbio Senior Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admission

Did anyone else receive an email asking for a veritax verification? If so, how are your stats and ECs?

Yes - over a month ago. My son’s stats are good? Almost 4.0, high SAT/ACT and tons of music ECs (that’s his intended major)

@fd1676 did your son get into any other schools?