USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

So does USC considered demonstrated interest?

They say they don’t. But to an extent, I believe they do.

I pressed the withdraw button just to see a long time ago but I think it asked for why and what college you’re planning to attend instead

Hello. We attended an in-person admissions’ session at USC pre-COVID. The “message” from the admissions officer who gave the presentation was essentially, “If USC is your top choice, find a way to let us know that.” [either someplace in your application essay; via an email to your state’s admissions’ counselor, etc.]


We got an email this morning from FA office. Why would they ask for this info this late in the game if my son wasn’t going to get accepted?


I’m not getting any emails for FA does that mean I’m likely to be rejected? It says my Financial aid application is in review, but they asked for so many documents in early February which I submitted.

Anything from the FAO means nothing about decisions at this time. @WWWard had a great post about it here:


thank you! Im just so nervous. We’re so close yet so far

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Yeah same here. I know I’ll be sitting afraid to click the update button for minutes. This helps to ease the nerves though.

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Well, they got every they need from you in Feb so I would say you are good, yet we’ve never received any request for anything at all, that’s really worrisome.

I’m so confused by the financial aid stuff since I didn’t apply for FAFSA :neutral_face:

Most of it is reading into emails to add additional info. Nothing too crazy.

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I’m sure you’re fine. My FAFSA was picked for verification so USC asked me for nearly 10 extra documents but so has every school. If your FAFSA wasn’t picked for verification then you probably don’t need any supporting documents.

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Elsewhere in this thread someone said they do not keep track of such interest, though… Hard to know what to do. I feel like my student’s essay really said this without maybe saying it explicitly. Should I have them contact their AO this late in the process?

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Thanks…I was merely pointing the logic, or the lack there of, behind asking for documents from students who are going to denied admission.


It’s definitely odd for sure. But i guess the FAO does what it needs to do.

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has anyone else gotten 0 financial aid requests? lmao


Ours was back in November, so it seems like it

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I just did fafsa and css. Given, though, I don’t even qualify for aid.

My experience and my 3rd child, when asking for documents close to a decision, it is generally a good sign. On the flip side, not getting a request, is not a bad sign. But to go with reason, there is no need to update financial aid for denied students, that creates extra costs for the school unnessarily, which makes no sense. Another cheat is to see if a college updated your FAFSA. I have 2 college updates. I know who one was based on the financial aid package, but I have a mystery one, who has yet to reveal themselves. I am not expecting USC admission despite the info they asked us for last November, because the colleges my DD has got into have asked for much more (our situation is complicated).