USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Just saw the coolest video. Natalia Bryant was accepted to USC!!

We all know Kobe is so proud of her!!




Kinda thought I’d get accepted undeclared thanks to the ROTC Detachment but guess not. Hey @WWWard , @CADREAMIN , you think I still have a chance since the AFROTC Detachment emailed my instructor yesterday to schedule a meeting for tomorrow? I feel like they would have known my decision at that point and I do have a full ride regardless of where I go. It would make sense to accept me undeclared :man_shrugging:

Does anyone know more about the “Thematic Option”? My DS was invited to apply in his acceptance letter: “We invite you to apply for Thematic Option, USC’s honors General Education alternative, where you will get the benefits of a small liberal arts college in the heart of one of the world’s finest research universities.”

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i got the same thing

I’m super late for this because I was at sports practice, but I got accepted!



Are spring admits included in these numbers? Any idea how many spring admits each year?

Information on this fall’s admitted class of first-year students:

• 8,804 students, selected from nearly 71,000 first-year applicants

it says “none of us enjoys turning away exceptional students.” its not technically wrong since “none of” is a weird phrase but its more grammatical to say “none of us enjoy turning away exceptional students”


D21 Spring Admit Viterbi (Biomedical)
ACT 35
GPA 4.0uw/4.3w? 9APs
Strong ECs, leadership, lots of volunteer hrs, Science Research ISEF, 4 year varsity athlete

Fall would have been better but we are elated!

Accepted to Dornsife. Got invitation to Thematic Option. Can somebody tells me about T.O. please? What is the benefit?

Daughter was offered TTP which is fine because we couldn’t afford the 70k a year in addition to my son’s CSU tuition. She’ll be headed to UCLA or SLO. Tough choice!

The part in the letter that said that most accepted students had perfect GPAs and high course rigor really bummed her out. She has an UW 4.0 W 4.7 and has taken 13 APs and 6 honors. I tried to explain it was just a generic letter.

But…a huge congrats to everyone who was accepted today. :tada:

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ACCEPTED SCA Film Prod (from WA) after rejections from Chapman and UCLA.

Beyond thrilled. FIGHT ON.


rejected Viterbi
4.0 UW. 4.5 W
800 on two subject test (Math II and Bio)
11 AP, Lot of ECs in STEM

Accepted from LA!!!



My son is a NM scholar but they don’t say anything about the half off tuition. Is that a given once we choose USC on the NM website? Do all NMS get this?


DS accepted - Spring admit
From No Cal.

Is there/will there be a separate thread for USC spring admits? Any way to find out how many spring admits in Annenberg?


Accepted to Film Production B.F.A!
Gender: Female
Nationalities: Australian, British, Spanish (high school in Geneva, Switzerland)
Ethnicities: Caucasian, Hispanic
IB points: 40/42
Test Optional
Essays were quite strong I think (worked on them for a long time, one talked about veganism, the other growing up and memories)
Activities: not a lot that were school-related, but I did loads that I organised myself, like writing and producing an album; starting up a charity; teaching myself guitar, piano, ukulele, etc. Was also a member of the NHS.
I had an interview in Feb for it too…


I got waitlisted from LMU though…

My daughter did thematic option (it’s called TO) last year. It was the BEST part of USC (granted she is a Narrative studies major). It’s a lot of extra small writing classes-but you don’t have GE credits. The community is small and even though they were online she knows many of the TO kids


Accepted to the Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts, and Sciences.

My GPA was a 4.9 weighted, 4.0 unweighted, but my extracurriculars and test scores weren’t particularly impressive.

My essays were very good as I highlighted the adversity I’ve gone through. I really focused on my essays memorable and specific too, I think that really helps.


Hello, current NMSC scholar at USC here. If your kid has already selected USC as first choice in the NMSC portal, then the acceptance basically guarantees a Presidential Scholarship (half tuition). You should hear about that within the next couple of weeks. It took a while for me to hear. Congrats to your son!