USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

If an applicant received a scholarship, would that appear in FA portal already? Or, is it possible a scholarship will appear sometime later? My daughter received no need or merit based aid.

Under the Aid Status tab, it says Check Back Later. The page currently does not have a status because your Financial Aid Summary does not include any aid funds. Your status will be updated if and when you apply for loans or receive a scholarship or need-based grant.

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It’s not really that hard if you follow the time-tested formula of securing a potential roommate (my older daughter found hers here on CC) and then have both of you sign-up as soon as possible when the housing portal opens and then pick the very same options in the exact same order. They did so and got assigned with each other to their #1 choice. I have repeated the advice yearly since then, and it seems to work out well consistently. Basically, it was advice offered by USC Housing… as it makes their job easier.

Good Luck

you’re welcome

I just answered a similar question above. Good luck.

Yes… good advice. I think my daughter in 2014 and her future roommate ranked them, splitting between two suite set-ups… Webb and Fluor at the time. They did so to secure more room and A/C and private bath, etc. and ended up getting choice 1.

Does anyone understand a USC University Grant and why/when is it awarded?

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It’s basically free money applied due to perceived financial need. USC simply discounts the cost of attending via a grant to the student. It can vary based on need… potentially even higher than the total tuition cost.


Anyone waiting to hear from the Ivy’s tomorrow?


Hi! So sorry for the late response. Yes! My daughter is still in the program and is loving it. The sophomore cohort is in Hong Kong and they are having a good balance of fun and curricular activities. Most of them are able to juggle a couple of part-time internships, the WBB program, and the weekend fun outdoor activities. We will be getting ready for Italy soon. Luckily, HK is able to keep the COVID infections under control and is taking all the precautions to keep the citizens safe. Please feel free to message me with questions. There is a parent FB page for WBB and the newly admitted students and parents are welcome to join the group. All questions can be answered by the WBB parents and the admins. Best wishes!

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@Cadreamin - Hats off to you for continuing to help the incoming USC students. Thank you. Hope all is well at your end.

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I just called financial aid about this today and they said it’s a merit award to show you they want you.

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Financial aid office today told me not based on need but based on merit.

I am so confused :crazy_face:
Do you think it is renewable or only helpful during the freshman year. This is so overwhelming this college process as a new parent :frowning:

@NewParentCA It should renew…but always call financial aid to clarify and be sure - there’s a hold time with so many questions at this time, but they are super helpful once you get through. You need to have clarity on your financial picture, and they can give it to you.

@cutestchihuahua Please see posts above by @AggieMom68 concerning WBB and the FB link - super helfpul! No better info than that coming from those going through a program!

@AggieMom68 Yes, I’m still here, ha.
Great to hear from you! omg - I thought about you guys (and the WBB crew) this year with the covid thing, sounds like they were actually in a better placeby being in Hong Kong. I am so impressed with the student (and the parents!) that are willing to take on such an adventure starting their freshman year!I am glad she is loving it. My D spent the summer (2019) in northern Italy doing research for USC - in these amazing tiny towns/villages, then ran over to Austria to spend some fun time. Your D will LOVE Italy! Best to your fam, would love to hear from you now and then. Thanks for providing the info for future WBBers!

What would be considered a generous Gift Aid / University Grant - $10,000? No scholarships were awarded.

LA County just lifted the 10 day travel quarantine for people who are vaccinated.

Press Release


Renewable. If you click the little info button next to it, it should say merit, renewable for 4 years.

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