USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Yes… exactly. It all depends on the word used… grant versus scholarship.

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Thanks for catching the difference in wording

You’re welcome.

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Is the housing system down for everyone else?

Yes! Getting this message: Service temporarily unavailable

Keep trying, it’s like getting concert tickets, just have to get in there after many attempts. People have struggles every year.

Like getting Hamilton tickets on Broadway!

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It can take an hour to get on…it’s a bit of luck and commitment.

anyone know how long it typically takes to get in?

should i keep refreshing?


dum de dum dum dum REFRESH de dum dum dum REFRESH de dum . . . . good thing there are moms in the world who will do this for kids who actually have to be in school at this time of day!


Has anyone gotten in?

i definitely have refreshed 100 times now :skull:

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No here. If anyone manages to get in, let us know that it is possible and not some bigger glitch.

My daughter got in. Be patient. It will work eventually.


why they gotta do this in the middle of a school day :sob:

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I think closing browser and reopening helps but not sure, can’t hurt.

It’s consistently awful. I got lucky last time and got in right away, but it’s usually a struggle.

We got in, started to fill it out and then at the section of Specific Accommodation Request there was nothing to fill out?!? So, refreshing