USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

It’s an excellent program and rather competitive to get into. As I understand it, SCA admissions would have input as well, as it is a joint offering of sorts.

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Where did your child decide to enroll?

Narrowed down to UCLA and Baylor (full scholarship.)

Looks really interesting! Full length documentary from Viterbi that will be on PBS next week. “Lives, Not Grades” follows a team of USC students traveling to Moria Camp in Greece, known as “the worst refugee camp on earth,” to design and build innovations that can improve the lives of refugees fleeing the greatest humanitarian crisis since WW2.

Here is the trailer:


I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. All our kiddos will find their way and make us proud.


@JamesBlonde Been meaning to add that it’s great you chose USC, I know you will love it there. The personal attention and all the special interest things you can get involved with whether in a class or organizations are incredible. You will be amazed at the brilliance and motivation of the students in Viterbi that will surround and collaborate with you. You will leave USC with a great network of peers that will be your friends in life and industry going forward. Best of luck in your journey at USC.

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UCLA for sure. :slight_smile:

Also I notice you had a poor experience with the AO. While AOs in general should strive for representing the school well, keep in mind that there are nearly 100k applicants. They get countless emails from students and parents on top of inter organization emails. Things get lost sometimes with that many students emailing.

Double legacy also means very little nowadays for most schools unless you’re a somewhat prolific donor.

Just want to give some context since I spent time in admissions.

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Well, all I can say is the USC AO experience was the complete antithesis to every other AO she encountered. She applied to 12 universities: 7 private and 5 public.
She corresponded directly with her assigned AOs from 9 of the 12 - all 7 private and 2 public. Every other AO, with the exception of USC, responded to 100% of her questions/updates/requests for guidance throughout the application process in a timely manner. Her USC AO responded to 2 out of 10 inquiries over the past 4 years. At this point, it’s just beating a dead horse…and time to move on.


Our experience with our USC AO was the same as yours- except you got 2 more responses than we did. Everyone else we were in contact with at USC was so responsive and helpful.

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My daughter just committed to USC tonight - she’s so excited!


Congrats and Welcome to the Trojan Family!!! Wooohoooo!
:grin: :v: :v: :v:

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Thanks for all your help along the way! Is there a parents Facebook page?

There usually is for a class, but there is also the USC Parents Group there - I am so far removed from facebook - but I’m sure someone else on here knows or search for “USC Class of xxxx Parents” or similiar. Best of luck to your D, I love when May 1st is done and over - no looking back, only forward!

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Yes there is! USC Class of 2025 - Parents | Facebook

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The Facebook group linked above is run by a third party that is not affiliated with USC.

This USC Parents Facebook Group is run by Parents of Troy.


Is it a bad thing if a facebook group is not affiliated with usc? Should I worry? It’s been a great group of parents, and I’d hate to leave.

Check to see if those same parents are part of the official group.

Dumb question but I cannot find the answer anywhere online: What date do freshman need to be at USC for fall 2021 admit? Orientation is entirely online this year and fall semester classes begin Aug 23. Still, I can’t find a move-in date and need to plan now for getting my kid to school then. If it makes a difference, he will attend SCA and I have a call into their student affairs office.

Actually, I may have just found my answer – August 18. The key is to use the word “move-in date” and the answer is under housing here:,9%2C%202021%20for%20graduate%20students.

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Can somebody kindly tell me which airport is closest to USC? What kind of transportation is available from airport to USC? How much does Uber cost from airport to campus? Thanks.

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