USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My daughter got a white box today. The box itself is very cool. It was directly from Marshall where she’s been admitted. It contained a letter, a key chain, a pin in the shape of NY (our state) with USC Marshall on it, and a set of Air Pods.


Ah, the white boxes are only coming for Marshall students, just so everyone else knows

Any updates on white boxes for Dornsife students? I was accepted and I’ve been hoping to get one in the mail since last week, should I not get too excited yet?

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@user_390622 and @momoflyceekid I am starting to believe that only Marshall kids will receive white boxes…my daughter is in an admitted group chat and the kids were showing off their really cool air pods and Marshall gear. I guess no love for the other colleges. All good, congratulations to the Marshall acceptances and good luck to everyone still waiting.

Other schools would get them at some point, looks like distribution is being handled by each school if only Marshall for now, they wouldn’t send some and not others…

@Vadaddy I had no idea there was a groupchat! Would you mind sharing a link to be added into it?

Update summary:
Commencement still being figured out and would include 2020 grads, will post entire letter here:

Dear Trojan students and families,

I am writing to update you on Spring and Fall plans, but first let me take a moment to recognize the hardships that so many of you are experiencing due to frigid temperatures blanketing the country. Our thoughts are with our fellow Trojans, and we hope all of you are staying safe. As we look ahead, there is good news to report. Coming out of the holiday surge, we are seeing encouraging trends here in Los Angeles: new cases of COVID-19 are declining – down more than 80 percent from the mid-December peak – and hospitalization rates continue to decrease. While vaccines remain in short supply, this is predicted to improve over the next several weeks. As a result, LA County will soon be updating health guidelines that will allow the return of some activities to our campuses.

As you know, we have been actively advocating for increased campus access for our students. While we do not have approval, nor do we expect to receive it, for in-person classes this semester, we will be able to open our libraries at a reduced capacity, as well as our swimming pools, outdoor recreation areas, study canopies, and our bookstore opened this week for appointment shopping. We are working quickly and are aiming to be operational as soon as possible.

Given the decline in cases and the vaccine rollout, we are planning for a full return to campus for the Fall semester, with in-person classes and residential life. We are well into implementing plans that will embrace multiple protective measures, including: a campus vaccination operation currently underway, which will be able to vaccinate 1,200 people a week when supply is more readily available; a testing program running twice weekly for undergraduates and weekly for all others accessing campus; and physical distancing measures along with classroom and outdoor facility reconfiguration to ensure the safe return of students, faculty, and staff.

Finally, we know everyone is anxious to hear about commencement. Over the past few months, we have been developing plans for multiple scenarios, including using the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for an in-person event with limited guests in addition to hosting an immersive virtual celebration. Please note our in-person planning includes the class of 2020.

Regardless if commencement is in person or virtual, we want you to be able to celebrate the day in your cap and gown. They are now available for rental or purchase at the bookstore. We continue to gather input from our community and health authorities on our planning and are taking into account the many variables and potential unknowns. I understand many of you have possible travel plans in the balance. Please keep in mind that if we can host an in-person commencement, capacity will be extremely limited. We will let you know where our discussions stand by mid-March.

With conditions improving and vaccine distribution now being ramped up, many of us are feeling a sense of hope about this pandemic that we haven’t felt for a long time. We are cautiously optimistic and are doing everything to make sure our plans for a return are fully realized. We will be posting regular updates on our We are SC site.

Carol L. Folt


I’m hopping they will keep the boxes like that for March decisions hahahahahah

whats her major?

@user_390622 she said its on ZeeMee…I never heard of it.

Some departments give gifts to their early admits at Explore USC. Marshall always gives something more extravagant.

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OMG!!! My D and I are on the admitted Trojan welcome zoom webinar and the Dean of Admissions just stated that they selected roughly 800 students from 41k applications and have received a record 70k total applications for 3,300 slots. These numbers are staggering!!!


Why only 3300? Aren’t there like 5000 first years?

Is that admits or enrolled? Last year it was 9618 admits

I understood him to say, they are looking to have a class of roughly 3,300, not sure how many they will accept to meet that number. My guess would be somewhere between 9k to 10k.

Interesting. They extended far fewer merit invitations this year than the typical 1000+

I was hoping that by now it would be possible to fly out to LA (with a negative Covid Test) and see some of the schools out there, but it doesn’t seem like Travel will be possible in the next month or so.

@ventri Yea, it seems that way! He offered a breakdown of the 800 finalists, 400 - Presidential, 200 - Trustee and the remaining either Dean or some other merit scholarship. What was also surprising, in the chat, they mentioned that they no longer offer the Mork nor one other full tuition scholarship, I think it was Stamps but I’m not 100% sure, the chat box was moving so fast. Only Trustee for full tuition.

Thanks for sharing the daunting numbers :laughing: Assuming the same number of admits as last year, the acceptance drops from 16.1% to 13.7%. Checking it off my son’s list …

Thanks for sharing that. I wonder what happened. Hmmm.