USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

So what are your thoughts on Annenberg? People keep saying “you’re crazy to pay that for a degree in communications, a low-pay degree.” But my thought is that they aren’t pumping out standard journalists and PR reps - these kids are going to be leaders in the industry.

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As @CADREAMIN alluded to above, when it comes to the financial viability of affording USC over a span of four years, I would simply not recommend making a commitment to attend based on any unreliable speculation. Families need to evaluate the cost currently and projected moving forward based firmly on any existing financial aid offering, if applicable, and given the family’s current and projected ability to pay. It is not advisable to assume any future grants or merit money not already offered and available to you.

As far as the “age old” question of whether a college education is worth it… or especially one as expensive as USC may be given your family’s scenario… that is of course highly subjective. It was for me and my daughters. Both attended USC and with some “skin in the game”. Both had student loans to pay back after college and at or near the maximum amount allowed for… like $25-27K in total. And both have already paid them off fully already. And the younger just graduated last May. But that was our family’s scenario alone. FA was involved and there was even one year while both were there simultaneously. That year was a bit of a challenge financially. So, it is a decision for each family to make independently. I would just choose wisely… and not do so wearing “rose colored glasses” and hoping for some unfounded solution to emerge on the horizon.


That makes a ton of sense! I don’t love everything about USC either but it definitely is my top choice. I already committed there also. I was able to land a nice high school internship at a company that one of my favorite CS teachers works at. I worked there over the summer and I was able to get a solid LOR. I got into Stanford, UCB, UCI, and UCSB. I really appreciate all of the time that you put into this! I’ve been looking back at the original posts and it seems like all of my questions have been answered. I’m currently planning on rooming with my cousin.

I know two recent Annenberg grads (both women) who are extremely successful. I don’t have personal experience but my understanding is that, in that field, it is all about networking. You can’t go to a school with a better network than USC.

Annenberg offers a great Maymester career trek.

Is there a reason you picked USC over Stanford?

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Yup! Flexibility in electives and the opportunity to go into my passion for game programming! Going to do an ITP minor in Game Programming.


USC is top in the nation for game design.

Princeton Review


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Kindred spirits - I also have one that chose USC over Stanford. It happens. It was the right decision, then and now.


I wholeheartedly agree. I’ve taken two community college courses from SBCC for CS and they were actually able to transfer over to USC which really helps! I took a look at the articulation agreement and they transfer for CSCI 102. The other one was a Game design course which helped me just learn about standard game engines. I also got my unity certification last year also which was key for landing that internship.


Oh yeah! I love their Game design program! I decided not to go for CS Games though because I want to do standard CS and Game programming. I have a few connections from Tesla and Mrcrosoft for game dev internships so we’ll see what happens.


Our son is currently a sophomore and we were in the same position. He wasn’t offered any merit scholarships coming in as a freshman, but was offered a small departmental scholarship ($5,000) for this year based on his freshman grades. I believe CADREAMIN is correct. I have not heard of any students being awarded larger scholarships by USC after they are admitted. Also, for these smaller scholarships, you have to reapply each year. They do not carry forward, so you can’t plan on them when doing your financial analysis. That being said, if the finances work for your family, USC is a great place to be. Our son has really enjoyed his experience so far and has received lots of academic counseling and support.


Lots of press this week on USC with all the reports of Sasha Obama’s bf exposed publicly (by mom, ha) with them meeting at USC (she attends for those not in the know). So if you see the ET reporters on campus, that’s why (but guessing they aren’t actually alllowed on it). Poor girl probably just wants to be a college kid!


Wow, I did not know that. I thought she went to University of Michigan?

She transferred to USC last fall.


Good for the two of them. Hopefully the Festival of Books will make it difficult for the paparazzi. :camera_flash: :open_book:

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For continuing students, what is the financial aid process like? When do the aid letters usually come out?

My S22 officially joined the Trojan family today! My second child to attend USC. He is from New Orleans, and will study Cognitive Science. Fight on!


Usually June or later.


Yay! Congrats again! :v:

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