USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Also, when your student chooses classes, take electives early in areas of possible interest for a major rather than worrying about knocking out the required core classes (except for ones that are part of a chain of prerequisites). They learn quickly if it is something they want to pursue that way. That is how my daughter found one of her majors and eliminated others (several ha). Good luck over the next couple months!


Does anyone know how much USC considers demonstrated interest? Espec during COVID. My son is OOS and made it out to tour campus in the Fall, has kept in touch with the regional admissions counselor when he’s had updates to mention (2 or 3 times) and spoke with her personally when she visited his school. Told her USC was his top choice. GPA is 3.9/4.45, ACT 33/34 super; 9 AP classes and excellent ECs with leadership/well-rounded. Fingers crossed. Any feedback appreciated.

USC does not consider demonstrated interest anymore.

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This has been answered a few times above. They are looking for you to show interest through your application, specifically in your Why USC essay. This means, have you dug deeply into programs and other offerings and are you showing how they are a good fit for you and you are a good fit for them. There has also been discussion that the applicant should tell their AO it is their first choice school.


I have heard it does help even though it says they don’t consider it. One girl on Youtube felt her meeting an AO at one of their meet and greets was the main reason she was accepted since she was the only one that showed up…so who knows? We did all we could…went on the tour, met with our local AO when he came to our school, and even did some online zoom meetings.

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There have also been statements and anecdotes that they track attendance of interactions — Zoom presentations, tours, etc.

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Do you know if USC offers scholarships for current students? My daughter applied late in the process (I swear, I would have never put this school on her list but she loves California and was smitten by the Annenberg media center - just wish she’d gotten smitten a couple months earlier!). So, is it possible that she could earn some departmental scholarship money once there? We haven’t visited so she may not like it once she sees it in person anyway, but the financials would certainly be tough if she actually liked it an got in.

If this is true, then they are lying about not considering demonstrated interest.

He is doing all the right things. Even though they say they don’t use demonstrated interest, having a good relationship with AO is only a good thing and I believe can make a difference.


Is there any admitted class profile for CS major or in general?

Looks like classes going live Monday as planned from an e-mail sent today.

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My kid received a handwritten note on a postcard from a student after we took an in-person tour of the campus. This was the only thank you they received out of the many schools we visited. I can’t imagine they’d go to this trouble without noting my kid’s interest somewhere.:woman_shrugging:t2:

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My senior also received a handwritten note after our tour last fall. Thought it was a really nice gesture.


My daughter received an email last night that reads, “Our records show that you submitted an application for consideration to our BFA in Acting for Stage, Screen & New Media for fall 2022. Our faculty are still reviewing the files and we expect to pass along updates regarding our callback no later than Friday, January 28, 2022.”

Does anyone know how this aligns with upcoming scholarship announcements?


It is rare but happens occasionally. I would not count on new monies being offered though that are not fully disclosed to you before the commitment deadline. In my younger daughter’s case, USC granted her a new USC Associates Scholarship for just her senior year, one that was never offered before. We are still not sure why, but we were happy that it appeared when it did so.

Good luck.


Despite what many have said over the years about USC not necessarily considering demonstrated interest, they do in fact pay great attention. Both of my daughters made it crystal clear via their applications and Why USC? reasoning that USC was their top choice. They each also reiterated it to their AOs and their specific school’s admissions office in a short but rather direct email sent once during February… stating that they would in fact commit and attend if admitted. Clearly, this approach cannot possibly work universally, but it likely helped both of them to gain admission.

If you review the USC Insider’s Guide to Admissions, they also make it very clear that they pay attention. A direct quote in the article states: “Students often ask me how they can let the admission office know that USC is their first choice. It’s simple: Just tell us. Tell us in your application, over email, telephone or in person. And we make note of that. We add these things to your files if you ask us to, and we keep them in mind as well.”

You can review the article yourself…

An Insider’s Look at USC College Admissions • Trojan Family Magazine

Good Luck


Hmm, does anyone know if this means scholarship notifications will be out Jan 28th too? Does USC usually send out admissions for Dec 1 applicants on the same day regardless if it was for an arts program or scholarship?

Would love to hear any updates on merit notification- white boxes or emails? This weekend or next?

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Do you know who the email was from? I saw the Daily Trojan article where Susan Van Orman mentioned it but my student hasn’t received any official email (yet).

The no later date from schools means that notification will likely come before that date. That would fit the timeline that @CADREAMIN has been suggesting.

I would guess (only a guess people!) that they will be sent the week of January 21st, usually arriving later in the week, around the 23rd or 24th. Again, totally a guess based on the last several years, it could be the following week. One year, due to some bad weather in LA they were sent on a Monday, but typical behavior has been mid-week. While the date is a guess, they do tend to stick to that timeframe because of Explore interview schedules that have to be met to flow into March decisions…