USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

My advice: Go Blue!:blue_heart::yellow_heart:

Sorry if I implied that it might be viewed as a negative. That was not my intent. USC is very generous to NM students. Their NM admissions and scholarship process is different from schools like Alabama, UTD, USF, etc.

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Did he get accepted

I’ve no idea yet as he went to dinner with friends after a very late practice and lesson tonight so I’m still in the dark! :woman_facepalming:t2:

D17 got the no soup for you email. she’s crushed. USC was her dream school and without the scholarship, she can’t attend :weary:

Ugh! I’m so sorry! But, there are other scholarships and financial aid opportunities, no?

this USC right?

Oh gosh, I didn’t see anything in a reply of yours as a negative, not even sure I saw your reply. Oh now I see I actually replied to you, thought it was something from above, lol. Was just zipping through questions and answering in order and not really seeing what was below. That was my mode most of the day, answering on the spot. :slight_smile:

Glad to see you here tonight!


Congrats to everyone who got in with the scholarship interview! D22 got no scholarship email. USC is one of her top-choice schools and hopes to make it in March.


Nooooo, you must be losing it. Wine time.

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Congrats to everyone who got in

thanks for your help answering questions

You’re welcome! And thanks for being so supportive on here! Are you on the ride till March?

I haven’t seen anyone post that they got accepted but do not see a link to interview…will give it some more time as this is a very small pool of sampling on cc this year…but if they didn’t give out any Deans (1/4) or very few this round that means there will be quite a few (approx 100) up for grabs in March, which you will find out about shortly after being accepted.

We typically have a poster pleasantly surprised by the Associates (hello @TreeAlum) that is $18k per year. So there are still some good dollars to be dolled out, but the biggies (1/2 and full) have been put out there pending interviews.

btw, pretty consistently, about 700 interview for the half and full. They are awarded from that pool, with some then choosing to go elsewhere, getting the to the 100 Trustees and the 200 Presidential, then add about 150 NMFs to that to get to 350 Pres. Rough numbers as some of the early Pres folks are also NMF so there is overlap there.

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ya no one said accepted except like 3 or 4 people, and i am waiting for march sadly

What is your major?

Computer Science

Wait, confused…some get accepted sans scholarship interview???

I have one of those :). I hope you get in!
