USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

@CADREAMIN yes I can’t believe she is graduating in May and with honors, based on her gpa it should be Magna Cum Laude! What year is your daughter? Is she also a senior?

From USC Admissions: I Wasn’t Named a Scholarship Finalist…Now What?



great information in the link in @lkg4answers post above, here is one pertaining specifically to Thornton which several on here had questions about, but good to see the same answer directly from USC. :slight_smile:

I applied to Thornton/Iovine & Young/Kaufman. Am I still eligible for major merit scholarships?

Yes! Those departments integrate their scholarship selection into their admission process. These departments have already notified their applicants whether they will be moving forward in their admission process. If you were invited to audition or to interview for one of those programs, you are still being considered for a merit award*. Final decisions regarding merit awards will be released by early April. If you were not invited to audition or to interview and have chosen to keep your application in the pool, you will be considered for admission to your second-choice major or to begin at USC as a “Undecided Major.”

*Music Industry and Music Composition applicants do not require an audition or interview, but they are still being considered for scholarships and admission to those programs at this point.

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Yes, below the acceptance letter is an instructional page with all the info about the next steps to take for the scholarship candidates


No Dice on Scholarship for DS. 1000 get invited for the interviews for scholarship out of roughly 40000 applicants it said. He got the admission letter from Penn State today which was his safety.
Hope the regular decision is more positive.

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Hey guys! I did not get the scholarship, nevertheless, my USCFAST changed form unknown to undergraduate, in less than 12 hours, I don’t know if I should take that as a good sign for regular


So we checked the portal but nothing else bc technically daughter doesn’t know yet!!! She has not been home to check. So that’s why was wondering if anyone else who got invited for interview knew if it was in person or not. We were will find out soon - just excited and shocked :rofl::laughing:

Thankyou so much @CADREAMIN ! We have been looking for an official statement on interview/audition for music but couldn’t quite find the info(didn’t check their blog). This info is very helpful, thankyou so much!


Yes we didn’t fill out FAFSA and it says undergraduate

Yes, our D did not fill out FAFSA and has undergraduate if she clicks on USC FAST. Is this standard, or somewhat telling? Every tea leaf counts as we head down the stretch!

Would be great to see the general stats of those accepted. Maybe @CADREAMIN could post a template for people to fill out and post.

Is the acceptance letter on the portal? Or did you get an email with instructions ?

My D22 was “unknown” before the email went out and “undergraduate” now. She was not invited to interview. Not sure it means anything since I see many with similar experiences and there are no decisions (and it’s still a month+ away)

Just have to slog out the wait!

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I can’t believe I got into USC dornslife… I feel so underserving of this award…even applied test-optional lmao


Nah you earned it. Have confidence in what you’ve accomplished. Congratulations!!!


No email yet; only portal update
My portal astrology:
If undergraduate before release- in for merit consideration
If unknown before release and now undergraduate- still in the running for March decisions


I was/am with undergraduate status but was not selected with scholarship interview.

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There were other undergrad before release that did not get merit. Not a correlation with undergrad-unknown and merit. But it’s always a good way to pass time to have something like that to banter over!


As requested… I believe that this is what you were referring to:

Despite what many have said over the years about USC not necessarily considering demonstrated interest, they do in fact pay great attention. Both of my daughters made it crystal clear via their applications and Why USC? reasoning that USC was their top choice. They each also reiterated it to their AOs and their specific school’s admissions office in a short but rather direct email sent once during February… stating that they would in fact commit and attend if admitted. Clearly, this approach cannot possibly work universally, but it likely helped both of them to gain admission.

If you review the USC Insider’s Guide to Admissions, they also make it very clear that they pay attention. A direct quote in the article states: “Students often ask me how they can let the admission office know that USC is their first choice. It’s simple: Just tell us. Tell us in your application, over email, telephone or in person. And we make note of that. We add these things to your files if you ask us to, and we keep them in mind as well.”

You can review the article yourself…

An Insider’s Look at USC College Admissions • Trojan Family Magazine

Good luck to those still awaiting a final decision in March. And a special congratulations to all those who were admitted yesterday.

Fight On!!!