USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

@CADREAMIN any update on Music/Dance/Drama decision dates


Hello! My son is a freshman at USC in New North and loves it. It is an “old school-style” or traditional dorm in comparison to the new housing in the McCarthy Honors College in the Village. The reason he chose it are for it’s proximity to the libraries he was likely to use, the McCarthy Quad, and and the academic buildings where his classes would likely to be (he’s within 5 mins of each of his classes). It has a Starbucks and a dining hall. It is quite “social”, which he likes. But it’s not fancy, no air conditioning. So your point about a student thinking about their personal preferences when choosing housing is really important. I have another child going through the admissions process who would need a different kind of environment than New North.


Great post @foxmom111.

Where they live freshman year will determine a lot about their experience at USC. It sets up who and how many people they meet, which is a lot more important than how luxurious the accomodations are, especially to a 17-18 year old. Time and time again parents impose their “older” values on the students which don’t always translate so well to someone 17. Parents always like shiny new, but in housing, shiny new doesn’t always mean better. It might for perfect for some students, but not for others. You may want them or think they fit best in what you perceive is the quiet, studious building, but they may want to do something different. Listen to what they feel is important to them. If they don’t do well socially, that can lead to way bigger problems than whether their room has older or newer furniture. Guide them with things to consider, but let them decide where they want to live - they have plenty of ways to get information these days - it’s a good time for them to own their decisions, and be what they want to be.

I have a housing post I will put up in a bit that compares most of the buildings/areas…


Yes, you definitely need to have your student look at all options.

Question to ask during a housing presentation: Does an honors student who wants to live in Ilium their 2nd year need to live in McCarthy as a freshman? I believe that was the case pre-pandemic. Some sophomores choose to live off campus (apartment, sorority/fraternity house, etc). Most that stay try to get housing in the Village but spots in the Village fill up quickly.

This year, staffing shortages impacted the dining halls. The Village Dining Hall was the one that stayed open for all meals. EVK had very limited hours and residents on that side of campus were very upset. I think things are pretty much back to normal now. The Village Dining Hall is open 7 days a week. EVK is closed on Saturdays and Parkside is closed on Sundays.

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I think I know the answer, but want to confirm.If you get presidential scholarship can you combine that with NMF for full tuition off, by any chance?

Scholarships do not stack like this unfortunately, the only way to get merit full tuition off is the Trustee Scholarship. If you get Presidential and are a NMF it would still just be half off

My grandson was assigned a date for his interview and it is zoom.


@rbk0001 is correct, they do not stack.
Trustee, Presidential (including NMF), Leadership, Deans, Directors, and Associates Scholarships

These scholarships are mutually exclusive. If you are awarded more than one, you will receive only the one with the greatest value.

There are some smaller departmental awards, that can stack on these, but the USC biggies do not.

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No, unfortunately they do not stack. However, in the past, if you were a National Merit Finalist and were not awarded the $2500 NMSC Scholars scholarship, USC added a $4000 ($1K/yr) scholarship on top of the Presidential or Trustee scholarship.

I don’t know if USC is going to continue that scholarship. If they do, and you are awarded the $2500 NMSC scholarship, you cannot turn it down in order to receive the $4K from USC.

I was admitted as Merit Scholarship Finalist. On my application, I did not quite demonstrate my interest at USC. On the “Why USC” essay, I instead wrote about the intellectual vitality that I will bring to USC if they pick me instead of writing about why should I pick USC. So keep in mind to always focus on yourself in the college application essay!:slight_smile:


Great job! You conveyed that you are the type of student they are looking for. From the second paragraph of your admissions letter:

The USC faculty, world renowned researchers on the forefront of the creation of knowledge, are especially eager for you to join us. They look forward to working with remarkable young people who will bring intellect, curiosity and persistence to the university community. We believe you are such a person.


Congrats on your acceptance!

Feel free to share your reflections here:

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Hello my old friend "CareAdmin :slight_smile: " I can confirm your sophomore housing guarantee as my D is just completed it for next year.


Hey @NewParentCA LOL!

So good to see you stop back in! Hope your D has endured this last year ok and I bet she is looking forward to a “normal” sophomore experience, although this spring was way better than it was a year ago. Excited for her and all her classmates! I think fall is going to be amazing for them all. It’s about time!

Where did she live this year? Has it been ok overall? My D endured USC all through covid and is still there - she did great in LA among all the craziness and USC was available when needed for anything medical, whether physical or emotional, so that was good. She lived steps from the Village, so it was great she had a safe place to stay and services right there. Her and her friends just rode through it!

“So 3,000 less applicants than last year? Wasn’t there 41,000 last year?”

Number of applicants for fall 2021 was 71,031.

Sorry I meant applicants that applied by 12/1. Last year there were 41,000 applicants who applied by 12/1 and 71,000 total.

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She’ll always be Cadre Amin to me :joy:. My daughter is in Marks this year and the Village next year.

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Ohh, lucky that she got a spot in the Village. I heard they filled up quickly.

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Did anyone apply to USC Leonard Davis School?

She’s in a group of 4 and their earliest time slot was the 1st day at 2pm. I was really surprised but at that point there 2b4p apartments available in every building. They got their 1st choice (other than wanting one w/2 baths but there’s only a handful of them).

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