USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Does everyone’s FAST say undergraduate? Or do some still say unknown?

After the scholarship notifications went out, it switched from unknown to undergraduate.

Pretty sure it means nothing, just that you applied for undergraduate.

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Does anyone else’s FAST say please come back later when you click on the Planning Worksheet then switch to Term 999999?

How does USC calculate weighted GPA? Just core courses? First three years? Same thing with unweighted? Just core courses?

We just received a request for more financial information but my son says he can’t sign in to the document submitting site until he has a USC-ID which you don’t get until after admission. He had a USCID listed at the top of the letter but said it did not work? Do you have any suggestions?

I believe he would have to go in through the applicant portal. And then get to the financial aid piece which is the FAST, and once he gets to the financial aid page he should be able to see what they need

Please move portal astrology theories to this thread:

Just checking, everyone who is getting these last-minute financial aid requests – is this directly from USC, or is it from College Board?

To my knowledge, College Board does not send financial aid requests.

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Directly from USC

can anyone share an email of the additional financial aid info email? i believe i got it early in January but I’m not sure if its the same one

We did get one – which is why I am asking. Something about needing tax forms.

From: USC Financial Aid Office <>

This is the email address it came from.

Thank you! Here is what we received from College Board.

This is the email address it came from: From: USC Financial Aid Office <>

Is this just related to the Applicant Affirmation and Notice of Potential Audit that students had to sign on the portal? Are they just auditing?

I think it might mean that you got accepted, but don’t quote me on that

I’m not sure but try the second tab in FAST portal on the more info hyperlink?

Grandson was accepted in the first round and is now waiting for scholarship decision. I know it’s tough waiting to hear.


No, the email from College Board was apparently a request for financial aid tax info for Stanford. Was supposed to be responded to by 2/15 - but it was in my son’s spam :frowning: Sent it anyway…