USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Yes it was all in there together- we do not qualify

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NMF, first choice is still Undecided. Received Presidential after interview in Feb.
Will accepting $2500 offer from NMSC disqualify the $2K University Scholarship or even disqualify 1/2 tuition from USC?

If it will not, maybe we will need to list USC as first choice by May 31 in order to receive $2500 in student’s USC account? Thank you for the info!

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I’m a little confused by this. We’re allowed to put the same building multiple times when applying for housing? What exactly does that do other than emphasize that you really want that one?

Yes because besides building you are also selecting the configuration (single, dbl, triple, loft etc) and price different for each one too. Don’t pick all configurations in same building/Village was the point. Two configurations in a building is ok, but then pick another building incase that one is full by time your place in line comes up.

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Accepting $2500 from NMSC will not disqualify you from USC University Scholarship. It will likely disqualify you from the small NM award USC sponsors, usually $500 a semester. If you got 1/2 tuition after interviewing for Presidential, you should not even need to designate USC No. 1 with NMSC to get the 1/2 tuition bc you did not get it for being NM, but there is no reason not to do so by May 31 if that is the choice.


It used to be I do not know if that remains active for such or not. But they clearly seem to prefer the form online via FAST for inquiries… so that it can be directed to the right department vs being sent into a general inbox.

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I do not know what the $2000 University scholarship is. I don’t believe that it is connected to NM. It is best to ask the the school why your student received it.

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@lkg4answers and @vistajay Thanks!

Hi! My daughter is admitted!I asked to join that parent group on Friday 3/25 and have not heard back yet! It’s been almost a week!!


Someone posted on the FB group to remind Parents of Troy (the administrators) that there are a lot of new parents waiting to join. I saw a couple of posts this morning from parents of newly admitted students so I believe they are starting to check credentials and approve people. If you aren’t approved in the next couple of days, I would try again.


Housing app opens today and there’s a $55 fee to apply. Waiting for aid and SDA Open House experience before deciding whether to commit, but housing is first come first served. Will a week or so make a huge difference?

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Housing selection for choice of dorms is based on the date you put your deposit down. Housing is guaranteed for freshman if you apply before May 2 so, if your student doesn’t care where they live, you can wait. Personally, I paid the deposit to hold a spot in the selection process prior to my student making a decision.

From the housing website:

May 2 is the application deadline for freshmen to be guaranteed a space in housing, but they are not guaranteed a particular space . Assignments are made based on application date, so those students who applied early, had the best chances to get their top preferences



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Understand and will do same. How does roommate’s application date figure in the equation? She’s a bit hesitant to go old school rando, especially after her brother’s experience is first year at UCLA. If she finds someone compatible on her own but that student applied later in the month, which date do the go by?

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I believe it is determined by the student who has the earlier lottery time. When my student was a freshman, the school was closed due to COVID so we didn’t go through the actual room selection process. For sophomore selection, the roommate with the earlier lottery time chose the room and listed the preferred roommate in their selection.


Great, thanks and :crossed_fingers:

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That’s was a prime reason we exlcluded UCLA - random room mates (and 3 in many rooms our year), no matching at all. Not that it’s perfect matchting at USC, but it was always good for us.

It’s not a lottery and pure time stamp, but the earlier app should pull her room mate in.

Do the housing app as early as possible if you have a preference on where you want to live. Getting the time stamp is key.

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You’re allowed to go back a lot later after you submit your housing app to enter in your roommates, right?

To be fair, one of his roommates confessed his mom completed his application and well, wasn’t exactly truthful when it came to habits. Anyway, he got through it but whew, many lessons learned.