USC Class of 2026 — Regular Decision

Students can change their preferences including residences until May 2nd, correct?

Yay okay! What would you say are the most popular dorms and rooms?


At his comedy show last night, Chris Rock said the real worst part of his week was his daughter not getting into USC.

We certainly understand that.


Had issues with changing housing password and couldn’t sign in until 12:30pm. What are the chances of getting one of the top 4 housing choices?

Very good. Should be no problem.

Hello again USC brain trust,
While we are truly GRA

Sorry guys I was cut off. Wanted to say, while we are truly grateful for having received The Presidential scholarship, wondering if there are any other smaller scholarships that can still reduce the amount of this very large tuition number. Still hoping to bring the cost down.

Have all Deans scholarships been awarded or will some students still hear by tomorrow?


D22 got rejected at USC. 4.0/4.73, 1560 superscore; decent ECs. 10 AP exams so far (all of them 4 or 5), 20 AP+IB by graduation. 3 AP/IB Calc, 3 AP/IB Physics, 3 AP/IB Bio, 3 AP/ CS CS. Rejected USC (CS applicant). I was an alum. Bummed. But it was not her top choice. Admitted to UIUC, Purdue, Wisconsin, UCSD. Waiting on results tonight. Fingers crossed

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Just committed, paid my deposit, and submitted my housing application! I’m so glad that process is over and now just super excited to go to USC!


Welcome to the Trojan Family! :partying_face: :v:

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D signed up for an admitted student reception in the Bay Area this weekend. What typically happens?

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The UIUC CS program is one of the best. Congratulations!

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Is your D going to Marshall? D signed up for the event in Bay as well.

No, she’s in the tiny Price School of Public Policy.

Yep. Only 12% admitted. It’s a real challenge these days… and a huge accomplishment for those getting in.


Do you know if the 12% acceptance rate includes spring admits?

No. Just the fall numbers.
