USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Yes, I did get a direct admission under the decision letter that I’m admitted to the WBB program.


Daughter was accepted as a spring admit. She worked her way through a brief disappointment that it wasn’t fall and is focused on celebrating the admit! USC is #1 choice. We’ll have a Trojan next year! :heart::yellow_heart:

School/Major: Dornsife/Creative Writing
City, state: SF Bay Area (but she goes to boarding school on east coast)
Will she attend? Yes!

Her stats/profile: 4.0 UW/4.58W, 1530 SAT (submitted), every academic class honors/advanced, 4 years varsity in one sport, school writing tutor, editor literary magazine, assistant editor school newspaper.


For anyone seeing this thread, I got flat-out rejected (deferred from EA and the Questbridge Match where I ranked USC) so it was a nothingburger to get whatever message I got.

D23 is invited, looks like a neat academic opportunity, she is interested in applying. Your kid?

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As a JHU grad… good call. I would not even allow my kids to apply to Hopkins.


I’m sorry about USC. It sounds like you have some great options (Cal EECS, Regents for CS at UCSD, etc). I know you are OOS. Are you considering a California school?

I copied your original post about registering for an Explore event so that we can put that portal astrology theory to rest.


Bummer. Sorry. Considering TTP though?

It should be this morning. They don’t like working Saturdays :slight_smile: I’d guess 9 or 10. But only a guess.


Ah! Always forget about the time difference! :roll_eyes: We are on the East coast…

Thank you for the kind words and copying the posts.
Definitely considering a Cali school (East Coast too) as its my home state and super excited about Cal EECS for sure :blush:

Congratulations to the 5500 or so admitted yesterday! … and to the circa 8000 admitted overall for the fall… and to the 1200 or so also admitted for spring. In total, circa 9200 have received positive news.

Now the tides turn for those 9200 or so. Now you get to evaluate USC fully and make your final college selection decision. Hopefully most of you are in a position where USC can still be doable for you and your families financially. Merit is being announced today for most. And FA decisions should start rolling out next week. It usually takes a week or so after the FAST portal shows as complete before a final FA offering is made.

To the vast majority who were rejected, take heart. It was a very cruel #s game this cycle. Nearly 72K received the same unfortunate outcome. Hopefully most of you have great options elsewhere. There are scores and scores of potential pathways to greatness. In truth, USC is just one of many. So, good luck elsewhere.

For those rejected, but still offered TTP, I would consider it strongly. Those who do so usually look back fondly on their decision to transfer into USC.

Fight On!!! :v:


And when it comes to evaluating your eventual financial aid offering, if applicable, do not necessarily look at it as a final decision. Appeals are possible. But, the only real prospect for a more favorable FA offering will come from the “ability to pay” calculation.

So, before an admitted applicant panics after receiving an unexpected FA offering, maybe ask yourself as a family some key questions… Does USC FA truly understand your financial situation fully? Have you actually listed every known or projected liability? Have you made them aware of every recurring monthly or yearly expense? Is there a medical condition that they need to be made aware of… or an obstacle with your family business, if applicable, etc? Is your income situation somehow untenable moving forward, possibly reducing your projected income?

Any extra potential relief from the cost of attending for a family will come via an analysis of income, assets, liabilities and the like. So, just make sure that they fully understand your family’s financial condition now and projected moving forward before you abandon all hope.

Good luck on that front to all of those admitted to USC who are still trying to work out the numbers via merit (hopefully) and FA…


Hey @WWWard !

Yes, definitely considering TTP. Will do 1st yr at SMU or UT. Solid options with w/merit money. She should make the GPA requirement and still has Annenberg at the top, so hopefully she succeeds in transferring.

Question will be financial aid. Even if she successfully transfers, we’re not sure the aid offered will be enough to turn down full rides. I’ve read transfer financial aid isn’t as generous as incoming freshmen at USC.

Either way, she’s very grateful for having TTP as an option, but also likes the option of staying if she loves the in state schools.


Thank you!

That’s the best way to look at it! She may love where she is at or really want that USC degree. Also, do some research on the transfer culture at USC so you come in clear eyes on that. Transferring is a social hiccup in the college years and there is definitely a divide between transfers and regular admits at USC. Not a deal breaker but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention it. Also housing can be pretty non existent for transfers (a few may get it but less every year) so Gateway could be an option - budget planning for now and if she would want to be as close to campus as possible. Things you can look into over time. Good luck - love to have you back around here!


Wow, my sincere congratulations to all the admittances! It is like you won the lottery, lol. My daughter was rejected in 2020 for SCA. She went to a local private university for 2 years and applied for a transfer to SCA again! She was accepted!!! So, my advice to the ones that got denied, you certainly get another chance and the acceptance rate is much better (mid 20% average). The number of applicants is around 9000s and around 2100s admitted… Again, you really don’t loose any USC’s ‘experiences’ since you’re a Trojan in the end. I actually think a transfer student has more experiences since they’ve been to another college.


I have heard the domestic transfers takes more initiative friend-wise than the abroad since are already with co-horts.

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Yes the study abroad kids have a built in friend group when they get to campus, which is great and a big advantage to that.

Transfers of course do well there and get their USC degree, it is just certainly more challenging to find their fit when they get there. They have to be pro-active to do so. It is of course different to be a transfer than coming in as a freshman, and I think it’s good to know that coming in.

I understand UCLA has the same attitude and issues even though they have always been a transfer school. Just have to find ways to work through it.

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4.8W 4.0 UW
OOS (Appalachian)

Didn’t actually expect it. We are rural and the high school is one of the worst in the state. But he did attend university (on campus) for the last three years instead of going to high school to overcome those stats.
Nonetheless, our eyes are wide open that there are much better education and EC opportunities for others that he has to compete with. Also his high school won’t let him hold any leadership roles or be valedictorian because he took collegiate classes. So those things hurt a resume.

He did get into some amazingly difficult schools that we also didn’t expect. And with honors. I’m guessing the essays resonated with them.

Pretty sure, though, he’s committing to West Point. (Still waiting on 3 schools that may give him pause, but doubtful). I think an Academy is really where his heart is. So it all works out. :sunny:


DS was awarded presidential scholarship. Does anyone know if NMF award is separate from this one?