USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Do we have any current or very recent students who stayed in Honors housing and can tell me what that entails? Is it a specific building? Last time we had a Presidential Scholar attend was 2012 and I don’t recall that being offered, but current son is being offered that. When we did our USC campus tour last August, I inquired about University Village housing and she said that was for sophomores, with the exception of scholar students. Is that true? Is the honors housing at University Village?

Yes… it’s at the village. Here is a link:

McCarthy Honors Residential College | USC Housing

Per that webpage… The McCarthy Honors College is a unique living and learning environment for freshman honors students holding either the Mork Family, Stamps Leadership, Trustee or Presidential scholarships. The residential college experience is promoted by the two residential faculty members and an extensive Residential Education staff, who live along side students and coordinate weekly themed dinners at the dining hall featuring presentations from USC faculty and administrators as well as visiting scholars.

Assignment to the building is available to qualified scholarship holders on a first-applied basis according to housing configuration preferences. While McCarthy Honors provides a greatly expanded number of spaces to Honors students, assignment to the building is not guaranteed.

Residential Education plans and conducts a special retreat for McCarthy students just prior to the beginning of the school year. Residents will move in a few days early to participate in this event. For questions regarding the retreat’s programming and activities, please contact the Office for Residential Education.

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She’s an impressive student! She’s going to do great no matter which one of her schools she decides on.

Lopsided is a good way to describe my kid’s ECs. They’re about half music, the other half a combination of track and field, Spanish language stuff, lifeguarding at a city pool, volunteering at a museum until covid shut it down.

I was just telling my friend about the prescreen process and making a video presenting a concept for a capstone project. It’s hard work to get here, and I commend your daughter.

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From my TTP research even the frat boys who don’t make gpa still get spring admit at the very least. I’ve only heard of 1 or 2 not getting in to the most competitive majors. Follow the usc transfer 23-24 forum to see how it turns out this year during may & longer depending on when applicants Spring grades transcript’s are received.

What are you implying about frat boys?

The USC village opened in fall 2017 and our 2021 Dornsife grad was part of the first cohort living there in McCarthy. She loved it, and lived in Ilium honors dorm in the Village sophomore year.

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The latest safety rankings on Niche are different for some of the colleges you listed:
USC B-, Yale C+, Princeton B, Duke B-, Brown B+, CalTech B-, Wash U in St Louis B+, Rice B, UChicago C+.

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Where do you find the safety ratings on Niche? The one for CalTech, for instance, makes no sense to me. My guess is that they are considering a much larger area of Pasadena than the area around the campus.

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Find your college on Niche, then click on “View Full Report Card”.
Apparently, Niche links are not allowed on this forum.

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Those that went out every night clubbing instead of making it to classes on a regular basis.

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My son is a sophomore at USC, and I graduated from the school many years ago. There was crime in the area then, as there is now, but I think on campus is much safer then it was when I went since there are walls/gates around the school now. At every dorm on campus and at the Village, there is security and you have to leave your driver’s license to get in, so they are very secure. He has to live off campus for junior and senior years (there is basically no on campus housing for those years) so we are paying a large premium to live in a building close to campus. He never walks alone off campus at night, and if I had a daughter I would tell her not to walk too far off campus by herself even during the day. Every college in large urban areas has the same issues (Duke, Penn, Chicago, NYU, Columbia, etc) and USC is no different. Students just have to be aware and alert when they are off campus.


Many schools allow deferral for a year if students want to do something like go abroad or explore other options like TTP.

I live in LA, and many students here go to SMU. SMU is called the “USC of the south” so I think they are very similar.


Are all accepted students considered for scholarships?

Are scholarship decisions sent via email or portal?

Also do you know when USC sends their financial aid offers.


I agree that USC is safer than it was before. The area surrounding it, especially to the west, is one of the fastest regentrifying areas in Los Angeles. However, regardless of where you live in Southern California, including Beverly Hills, you must take safety measures at all times.

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Those that applied by the EA deadline were considered and all applying to the schools that didn’t have EA like SCA, Thornton and others (list of schools with no EA is on website).

They post to portal and they send email telling you it is in portal.

FA offers should start rolling out mid/end of this week, but majority will come out following week.


Will USC email fin aid offers or is it also going to be uploaded to the portal

So just to confirm, is it your understanding that a NMF who is admitted as a transfer under TTP will receive the Presidential scholarship for half tuition? Thank you.

I just did some research and what I found is no, NMF is not “held for a transfer” and NMF can only be given and start freshman year and continue for four years.

Which makes sense, because then they would have to offer it to all transfers not just TTP. And they do not do that. There are 40 scholarships for transfers that are 1/4 tuition and that’s it.

Of course you should verify, but I’m at 100% it will not carry to a transfer coming in sophomore year under any circumstances. It’s a freshman only opportunity, like many scholarships.