USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

The VERY LONG housing post for Feb and March admits…YMMV!

I’ve had one or two students consistently at USC for many years and spend a lot of time on campus, so this is what I have learned/seen over my time there and gleaned from my kids and their friends. I try to update this best I can, sometimes they add a building to the freshman housing list, but generally it stays the same. And hopefully other posters can share thoughts. But generally speaking…

For students accepted during regular admission in March, keep in mind that housing at Village is for merit student freshman that choose it, otherwise it is sophomore housing (and a few upperclassman) and there is very very low probability for other freshman, so don’t waste your choices on the Village.

And don’t stress it, there are so many great places to live and you will become a family in any of them. Meeting people during the year that become college/lifelong friends is way more important that being 100 steps closer to Target. Talk to friends, check on line and decide what you think you will like. If you aren’t that social, the suite/hotel style may be more isolating (but only if you let it) than being in an open door/floor type experience, so be sure to get involved with things and people early on. Think of how you will/can grow. Maybe a little discomfort is good for that. You know yourself best.

For the most part, who you live with and around (having ability to meet people) is more important than the physical aspects of building. An 18 year old is adaptable, more than us old parent types! If the student doesn’t care about AC and wants a good social aspect (not saying party dorm, just super friendly atmosphere with lots of activities and ways to meet people) then Birnkrant, Pardee, Marks Tower are all great and part of the freshman quad. New North is definitely known as the fun dorm. But keep in mind the academic level of USC nowadays, no dorm is Animal House. Birnkrant kept it’s honors reputation (it was honors dorm prior to Village) and it is known as “8 floors of open doors.” I haven’t known anyone that didn’t love living there. Not fancy and a traditional dorm set up, but its academic/social balance remains strong. All these are just across the street from the Village shops and food. Birnkrant could be labeled studious and social, but frankly they all are. If you look at stats, there isn’t a real difference between students at USC, so you aren’t gonna find housing with a “certain kind of student;” they are all great Trojans.

If you want AC and suite set up, then check the dorms that offer that. Parkside is nice and on the other side of campus from other dorms, but newer building (relative to some others) and super nice suites (pretty large), close to engineering, tends to be social for suites, and they include 8 person suites. Parkside residents do a lot together because they are off to themselves more, but of course make their way to the freshman quad area and Village too - the campus isn’t that big! Also known to have great food.

I get AC is a must for some people, but I would suggest adding additional factors to that as the highest priority of your USC living experience if you can. Although there can be a couple periods of heat, it is California, not the south, no humidity. There is a reason shacks go for millions here.

Plenty of merit students will choose McCarthy but plenty choose to live in other dorms as well cause they want the social aspect - it is their choice. And remember, you can change your preference after you submit and before the app closes. So don’t stress this early decision you have to make!

From being around a lot of students over the years, what I have heard consistently is the entire freshman quad area (Birnkrant, Pardee, Marks, New North, etc.) is one of the best places you can live, even without AC. Parkside has it’s own little community on it’s side, and students are really happy there too, it’s just a bit of a haul (relatively speaking) to the other corner of campus. I think they do a great job room mate matching if student answers the questionnaire honestly and openly. Be who you are and they will match you with a good fit the majority of the time.

Kids that are interested in going Greek tend to live in New North. It has been known that way for years. It has a big sorority/fraternity contingency that chooses to live there. It’s not all those interested in Greek, just seems to be a reputation that follows it.

Don’t worry about living by your “major” school, as freshman you will likely be all over campus with GEs and activities. It’s not that big a campus, everything is pretty close really and there’s plenty of great options!

Mine have been out of on campus living for a couple years, so please, current parents add any perspectives or update you may have. Webb floats in and out of freshman access and I think Fluor was under construction recently, so fill us in. But generally, things don’t change that much year after year.


This is so helpful. My daughter read it and now is firmly leaning Birnkrant. I appreciate the feedback!

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The process and requirement of switching to CS are covered in Viterbi’s “Pre-Engineering Process”. Details can be found in the page below:

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I will also add the following to your great post.

My son was in New North as a freshman and loved it. It is an “old school-style” or traditional dorm in comparison to the new housing in the McCarthy Honors College in the Village. It is close to 2 of the main libraries on the McCarthy Quad and an easy walk to the main academic buildings (note: pretty much everything is an easy walk regardless of the dorm selected). It has a Starbucks and a dining hall. I would definitely agree that it very “social” dorm. But it’s not fancy, no air conditioning.

This year he is in Ilium and Cowlings in the Village. While this is not a freshman dorm, the proximity to Trader Joe’s and the Target is a plus that freshman who choose McCarthy in the Village would enjoy too. Very nice, clean and much quieter than New North. And also super easy to walk to classes. There is a green space behind the dorms in the Village where there always seems to be some kind of soccer or flag football game going on.


If you don’t get or want McCarthy as a freshman, you will have your chance to live in Village as a sophomore (since Village is primarily soph housing) so you can experience both kinds of living there.

My daughter lived in Birnkrant last year. The social aspect was her highest priority for a dorm. If it was me I would’ve picked suite style living and a/c haha. My daughter LOVED Birnkrant and eventually got used to communal bathrooms as well. She fared better than I thought she would. It does get hot the first month and a little in May. She went potluck for a roommate, and it was a perfect match! There were merit students who chose to live there. She loved her dorm friend group. She also loved that her classes were 5 mins or less from Birnkrant. It’s the best location for everything. Feel free and message me if you want photos of her dorm room and bathrooms. Did you know there’s a Starbucks on the first floor? There are also YouTube tours of different dorms that students create. Congrats to your daughter!

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Agree, some of my D’s best memories are the college antics of living in Birnkrant. Social and academic all in one. They really do a good job room mate matching if the student is honest on the housing application survey!

Thank you. this is very helpful. actually she has done all 3 courses required for CS at her high school or local college.

You are welcome.

Just to be safe, I’d suggest that you confirm with Viterbi whether those courses taken prior to enrollment are eligible to fulfill the requirements. I’m not sure how they will evaluate the equivalency of courses taken outside of USC.

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The vast majority of those who are offered the opportunity to live in McCarthy choose to live there.

The USC Parents Group on FB is run by USC Parents of Troy. Sometimes new parents join to ask questions about dorms and housing.


Any advice for appealing?


Just adding — the demand is way greater than the supply. Many, many sophomores don’t get the village as sophomores, and usc does not provide hardly any housing for juniors and seniors—most have to live off campus. There is a lot of private housing very close to campus but it is not “on campus” and it is not regulated by the university.

Edited to add that I didn’t mean to reply to the particular post I did. Sorry!

@MMRose do you know if honors students can live in Ilium as sophomores if they did not live in McCarthy as freshmen? I read that previously but can’t find it right now. The Ilium dorm description says, " Ilium builds upon the experience Honors students had during their freshmen year in McCarthy."

I think they are allowed to but I recall that I was told that priority is given to those who were in McCarthy. But that may have changed or I may have been misinformed.

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Illium houses honors and non honors sophomores, so yes they can. Any sophomore can live there - it’s the biggest dorm housing sophomores.

But only if they get a high enough lottery number in the sophomore housing lottery, right? Whereas I think it is guaranteed to the kids who lived in McCarthy the previous year.

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Birnkrant! My daughter loves it. She has made wonderful friends on her floor and will room with them in a 3 bedroom in the Village next year. There are a ton of social events the first few days and Birnkrant hosts it’s own as well.


Oh I see your point there, that makes sense. I was just answering that they could.

Thank you to everyone for the very helpful information for my daughter. I have shared it all with her and we both really appreciate it!

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I believe the non honors students live in Cowlings.

In the Village, two dorms are housed in the same building. Cale and Irani are in the same structure. Ilium and Cowlings are in the same structure. The students rooms/apartments are not mixed. One side of the structure is Ilium and the other side is Cowlings. Together Cowlings and Ilium house 700 students.
Cowlings (arts/creative, open to any sophomore) has approx 344 beds and Ilium (honors) has approx 356 beds.
McCarthy has approx 600 beds.

There are 600 beds for freshman honors and 344 beds for sophomore honors. Some students choose to live off campus or in a non-honors dorm their second year. If McCarthy students are given priority for Ilium, that might be something to consider. Ultimately, there is no wrong choice.

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