USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

does usc ask for mid-year reports if deferred ea? my mid-year shows all a’s but a 79 in AP Chem which is my first time ever getting a C, and I’m afraid it’ll hurt me significantly

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@Wendy1231 & @privatems I screenshot a lot of things and the one form 11/7 FAST portal had “Class: Undergraduate” under my daughter’s name. It was just a week after the submission. That’s when that Financial Aid page said “Application in review” so… it means nothing.


Yes, they do. Depending on your major, the C may or may not hurt you as much.

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Thanks much for the suggestion and help! Yeah, I think we waived the right to look at recommendation letter.

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Yeah completely agree it should be something which could make a difference. Thanks for the thoughtful advice, very helpful.

That is so irritating!! Complete agree. Wish the college would qualify their letters, it’s annoying to give hope like that.

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Completely agree, very insensitive with the wording in the letter. Wish they would just put on there - everyone is receiving this letter.

Just a note - whether admitted EA or deferred, you will still be submitting your midterm grades one way or another. From USC Admissions:

How do the grades I earn during my senior year of high school factor into the admission decision?

Updated 09/02/2022 04:39 PM

Generally, for the purposes of admission into USC, we first review an applicant’s coursework from grades 9 - 11. Applicants are also expected to submit grades from the fall term of their senior year as soon as they are available by using the Mid-Year Report Form included in the Common Application.

All admitted applicants are required to submit an official copy of their final transcripts to verify their high school graduation. These transcripts will also be reviewed to ensure that students have maintained a continued level of academic achievement. A serious downturn in a student’s senior year could result in the rescinding of an admission offer.


If midterm grades are used in the admissions decision, how does this work when the school counselor doesn’t submit grades until relatively late in January? Or do they make EA decisions based on just the junior year grades?

Our school counselor said they will start submitting midterm grade reports to colleges next week… which seems like it might be too late for an EA decision next Friday. Does that mean a more likely deferral?

They start with 9-11 grades. Midterms are often just checked that there wasn’t a big downslope. So no problem if later. The point is they will check them eventually versus not at all. So applicants should plan on sending when available.

when you say midterm- you mean the final first semester grades? which we won’t have until February? or do you mean 1st quarter grades, which we could send but didn’t since nobody asked for them?

I think he was referring to midterm (semester) grades. Ours doesn’t come out till mid Feb either. I think Ea decisions are usually made without them but RD are made with the mid term grades. I’ve listened to other reach schools and they said send the midterms by counselor as soon as they come out but they understand schools and states have different timelines when the mid terms are released probably due to varying school start dates in the Fall some start early August while others like my county start school right around Labor Day. It wouldn’t be fair to review midterms or use them as a factor for admissions for EA I would think since the timelines are too varying.

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I believe CADREAMIN was referring to the fact that, while fall grades won’t necessarily be used for EA, those accepted early will eventually need to submit a final transcript. A downtrend in senior grades may impact previous admission offers.

From the FAQ on the USC Admission page (scroll down).

Will my senior-year fall grades be considered if I apply Early Action (EA)?
No, we cannot guarantee that fall grades will be considered if you apply Early Action.

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As for mid-year grades, I recall them being updated online to the Common Application (and possibly by their GCs too), but that did not stop my daughters’ assigned AOs from requesting them directly again via email. Maybe they just wanted to reconfirm the accuracy of the grades as reported or maybe they wanted to make sure that the applicants themselves report the grades accurately. Who knows? But they were requested in fact for each and even after they were submitted. Ultimately, both were admitted. But that was my daughters’ experiences in 2014 and 2017. So, all applicants should be prepared to submit such when first available.


There hasn’t been a request for submitting any new document after applying EA. Is submitting mid-year report usually done by the school’s counselor?

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Counselor needs to upload to Common app, and I am thinking students need to then send them to the schools that require the mid year transcript. We will be checking once grades are in, as to which schools require and then send a note to the counselor. Experts correct me if I am wrong here please.

Probably depends on the school. Ours was done automatically by counselor to any schools applied to. But school’s differ on handling. Best to check with counselor.

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@Pre-college @icecreamnut When my older daughter applied 2020 application, we uploaded the mid-year transcript as soon as it became available. That was early Feb and DD (good rigor & GPA, ACT35, SAT math 790 SAT Chem 770, national Merit scholar) was accepted in late March. I think the GC also gets notice from the Common App because there was second mid-year report uploaded on a different date. GC uploads once on the CA then any schools that require MYR will have access to it. @Have_faith143 @billythegoldfish Certain schools needed end of January for EA so we asked the GC to send them Progress report (grades minus GPAs and rank)


i don’t think so. My kids’ school doesnt end the semester until Jan 27 ans grades are available a week after that so early February. I dont think thats uncommon around here (NY). I think decisions are based on whatever info they have at the time of making a decision and an applicant wouldnt automatically be deferred due to lack of mid year grades. I would bet all decisions for EA will be made well before that Jan 20th date.