USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Thank you.

As mentioned above FA isn’t out till the March/April timeframe. Generally it posts about a week after regular admission with some taking longer if they are waiting on docs from people. First week in April is the general timeframe.

Scholarship notifications are out about same time as regular decision. We have seen them a couple days before or after and recently the same day as well.


I think your daughter is accepted.
If financial office sent this letter , possibly is accepted. Financial office got your daughter’s docs from admission office. If your daughter’s denied, financial office doesn’t know your daughter applied this school or not. It is common sense.

Yes–but much prefer USC’s approach compared to so many schools that take half their class thru ED, which isn’t an option for us.

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yes i did- I feel like they send it to everyone though

No. Other than a potential early invite to an event for SDA to SDA applicants, there have not been any “hints” that have been proven valid over time. So, if an applicant applied to the School of Dramatic Arts, there is that one possible hint. But it used to be in late Feb to early March… so only a hint just before RD announcements.

Although it seems to defy logic, Financial Aid and Admissions are on two completely separate & independent paths until when admissions announces its decisions. The FAO will basically learn who is being admitted as the applicants are. But until then, they will work as diligently as possible to get everyone’s FA account/profile completed… just in case anyone who applied for FA is admitted.

So, applicants will derive no hints regarding potential admissions via the FAO or their communications. FAST will not be an early indicator of anything. That is just the reality of how they operate.


Unfortunately, no. They will not be reviewing RD applicants until after the EA announcements.

Even if the FAST profile eventually says complete, it does not mean that it will remain that way. USC Financial Aid will often ask for things directly and follow-up again and again with new requests. And they expect you to upload them through FAST. They will list within the FAST portal (for financial aid) everything received and everything still needed. Having already submitted them through CSS will not suffice. Often, they request the same item(s) even more than once. Sometimes, they will even invent a new request, meaning that they want you to generate a letter or explanation to upload. The key thing is to simply take it all in stride and supply whatever they ask for… even if you have already submitted it directly to them before. There is no point in arguing or trying to explain that they already have it. Simply give it to them again if they ask for it again. My advice is to just get used to it. We dealt with it for two students and eight FA cycles.

But generally speaking, the FAO will replicate many requests for items already submitted to CSS. And as stated above, your FAST portal can seem complete time after time, but then they may simply ask for something new or for you to replicate a submission. So maybe get used to checking it often. Or, if you ignore it, they will eventually email you too, telling you to check FAST.

My Fafsa was sent to every one of my schools but USC for some reason, in the FAST it says it is not recieved, but every other school of mine has it. I just re-sent it I believe, does being past deadline for ea affect my application or scholarship chances?

No. As long as your admissions file was deemed complete by the deadline, you should be considered. Items due into FAO have no impact on admission decisions. They could simply slow down the process of receiving your final FA offering should you gain admission.

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My friend received her merit scholarship decision feb 11 last year will it be the same this year?

–If I am admitted Early Action (EA) will I also receive a merit scholarship?

–Not all early admits will be selected to continue in USC’s merit scholarship process. Students who are selected as scholarship finalists will be notified of their next steps in February after receiving their admission decision.

I was wondering the same thing. I received an email from the BAA thanking me for applying to USC. It then went on to state that they provide scholarships to newly admitted and current USC students. It states that if I believe that I am eligible to apply through the Scholarship Universe by Feb 1. I was hoping that this was a sign so I emailed them back but I have yet to receive any further communication. January 20th can’t get here soon enough!!! My anxiety is through the roof! LOL!

Somehow I feel this is a positive sign? Unless other kids applying for baa all got the same thing…

I sure hope so! Fingers double, triple, quadruple crossed!

Sorry but what’s baa?

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To be honest, I am not entirely sure, I think it is business administration something? Lol…

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I heard the unknown vs undergraduate status on usc fast indicating ppls descions. Ik ppl say it’s portal astrology, but looking through many threads I saw a decently consistent trend of ppl w undergraduate getting in. Not a 100% fact based thing but something interesting.


Ours says undergraduate in the FAST portal but we are in the RD pool so don’t think it means anything

There is no future living expenses form sent by USC. They know what it costs to attend, they just ask on or off campus. A great amount of info is needed by USC to determine an FA package, which is a complete picture of the finances from each applicant’s household. Send them what they ask for promptly, and check status often to see if they need more.

Let’s move on. Please.