USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

In the past, did USC specifically tell applicants not to send LOCI?

This is the first year they’ve had early action so it would be the first year for deferrals to the regular decision pool

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Meaning they wouldn’t have had to tell people not to send LOCIs before.

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anyone hear of decisions being released yet? a couple people on a2c are reporting decisions

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I do not recall such an email in 2014 or 2017.

But, I do recall reading the USC Insider’s Guide to Admissions when it was originally published in 2016.

An Insider’s Look at USC College Admissions • Trojan Family Magazine

The linked article online appears to have been edited down over time. But, I still have the original hard copy… and within it, a direct quote from Admissions in the article states: “Students often ask me how they can let the admission office know that USC is their first choice. It’s simple: Just tell us. Tell us in your application, over email, telephone or in person. And we make note of that. We add these things to your files if you ask us to, and we keep them in mind as well.”

My daughters simply followed that prior advice. If applicants are receiving contrary advice from Admissions now, then they are free to proceed accordingly. In my family’s case, I think that my daughters would have always regretted not stating what they did in writing had the admission decision gone the other way. So, they at least wanted to make it known clearly.

But again… every applicant needs to decide for themselves.


What is a2c?

Wondering the same

“applying to college”- I believe it’s a reddit forum- and I’m on their Discord server.

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ah yeah, the reddit thread is what i was referring too - here’s a link:

another one where they’re reporting decisions:

They might release them by last name or state…

I do see your view on it but since this is their first year of EA and it has been 8 and 5 years (pre pandemic and astronomical applicant numbers)since your daughters have applied to USC, things have changed rapidly in the college application landscape.

Things that were helpful previously, to the times we are in now don’t always translate the same today.

But as you say everyone can decide for themselves.


A deferral is different from a waitlist. I would not send LOCIs. They can’t want them from 38k applicants.


Agreed, @Twins2023 and @socalmom007

Clearly, USC does not want to be overwhelmed by an applicant pool that has grown to 80K or more. And in reality, any statement to USC made now or in February or March that was not already established foundationally within the application itself would serve little purpose. If an applicant does reach out and let USC know that they are their first choice, that better be a sentiment that was made clear previously. USC is after all seeking to craft a well-rounded and diverse freshman class comprised of those who actually have a strong affinity for or connection to USC. They do aim to admit those who they project will thrive well at USC and bring something unique to the campus environment. So, an applicant’s prior Why USC? sentiment would have needed to convey such clearly already.

Thankfully, my kids are both already alums. They chose to approach their application process as they did. And it worked out. If they were applying now versus then though, I know that they would do the very same thing. It is simply their nature. My older daughter made her statement of commitment to USC in 2014 prior to the 2016 article, and my younger daughter followed her sister’s lead… simply doing so in her own manner.

Good luck to those awaiting news today. That is today’s focus. Hopefully they start soon. Fight on! :v:


When they are really out, we will know. There’s always a couple false starts posted. They don’t dribble them.


USC Annenberg Grad here, just wanted to wish everyone luck today and in March. I’ll be hosting parties this summer for the Class of 2027!! Can’t wait to see you all. :heart::yellow_heart::v:


does that mean that decisions have come out?


not yet, I expect 3pm PST, but I guess could be earlier.

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Best comment on this thread!!!

Thanks very much, sounds correct. I have a daughter attending USC who was accepted in 2020 so you would think I would remember! However, in the blur of excitement over her acceptance, I cannot remember one detail other than “congratulations!”