USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

some can only refresh CC since their kids are at school :frowning:


Good luck to everyone!!

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nothing yet

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Nothing yet

nothing for me yet :frowning:

nothing yet

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Maybe they mean 5 pm Pacific Time?

A-F-T-E-R 3 PST, it could be 4, hang in there people!


why they doing this to us ahhhh

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i heard it’s rolling decisions so i don’t think everyone will get their decision at the same time

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Where did you hear? Thanks


they posted it on the uscadmissions instagram story earlier. should be in the thread if you scroll up.

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If they are really trying to avoid applicants contacting the Office of Admissions, it could be after 5pm Pacific.


You should confirm with him that he withdrew. It looks bad on him and his high school if he didn’t.

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everyone is saying that so i think usc said it themselves. also the portal would crash if they released all 40k decisions at the same time.

Ya, it has been as late as 6, but sorta brutal for the EST crowd, so they started pulling it back to 4-5 range. But it was earlier as well, sometimes it’s a tech issue on their end and with this year being a new thing, I wish them luck!

Little trivia in the past (and just a few years ago really) it was waves across the country by school and it took about 4 hours to get them out, people lost their minds. And they sent acceptances first over a couple/few hours, then a gap of an hour, followed by rejections - such a cruel order! Wait and wait and wait then be rejected.

So I’m happy to report, those days are behind us. They have got acceptances and rejections out at same time in March at least once. So the question is, are they able to get deferrals out at exact same time as acceptances this time…we shall see!


so it can be anywhere from 7-8 EST? or will it be earlier/later?

Pretty sure I got my scholarship notification around 5 pm PST last year! Good luck to everyone!!!


different for everyone so could be earlier or later. just depends because its rolling.

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Yep he took screenshots of all the confirmation pages after he withdrew so I guess it’s just not reflected on the portal. I’m glad he thought to do that.