USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Do they disclose in CDS (or wherever) what % of freshman acceptances are admitted for spring term?

I agree, being FG is no excuse for lack of attention to detail. But may want to cut the kid some slack LOL.

You’re welcome. Good luck…

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I do not believe that any spring admits are counted among the circa 7900 total admissions that they stated would be made by this Friday, March 24th. 2400 or so were admitted EA, and so another 5500 or so will be admitted for the fall on this Friday. It’s not a set # that will get admitted for the spring. It will likely be in the range of 600-800, but it’s entirely up to them. As far as I know, they had not predetermined the # or announced it in advance. So, how ever many it is, those will be in addition to the circa 7900 total for fall admits. That is at least my understanding.

Apparently you are correct. My youngest graduated in 2021, so I dealt with the prior scenario. @lkg4answers thankfully posted above the new FA policies relating to such.


Ya sorry, forgot about that change too, we are full pay aside from merit so haven’t dealt with that. We only submitted fafsa each summer so the kids could take out the Stafford loans.

Can’t believe Friday is almost here! And by now students likely have a couple options they are considering along with USC - hope you all have some good choices in your pocket and wish you the best of news on Friday!

Keep busy is the best advice I can give. Friday will be a long day all on it’s own. And they tend to wait till late afternoon 3pm+ to release. Will be curious how smooth this goes given the numbers and EA/deferred being a new thing.

Good luck all!


My son is in a show Friday and Saturday nights and he’s debating whether to hold out and wait until after the final show on Saturday to see his decision or not. But then he thinks he probably won’t be able to wait. :grimacing:


Oh that is so tough. I think I would probably have to wait until the show is over (unless he’s a “the show must go on” kind of kid)… good luck to him. Our applicant will be in a car opening USC… fingers crossed for all!!! (And a great show for your son!)

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If he can wait he is a stronger person than I. (And I’m the parent!)

The hardest time I had waiting was with one when they did the big white box in the mail day or two before they did the portal update. We had a 25 minute drive home from his hs and I knew they were being delivered that day (he had no idea, he wasn’t on cc and they didn’t put out date back then) so I wanted him to check for the mail (we are at the end of a rural style drive) so I stopped at end of driveway and asked if he could grab it. Secretly I had been having him get out and get the mail for the week or so prior in anticipation/hope/dream of this happening… I can still see it play out perfectly in slow motion - him opening the mailbox - then stops for a second (the moment of, “is that what I think it is?”) - bending over for a closer look at the large white box inside with the USC emblem on top - then looking back towards me in the car with the eyes of wonder of a 4 year old on Christmas morning… then reaching inside with a smile as big as the sun. It is a top 10 memory for sure.

The mail had its issues, but it also delivered some great memories - some parents got it ahead of student and put it in the fridge, or with a big balloon bouquet set up, or other random ways to surprise them. And USC admissions use to hand deliver some of them around LA area and surprise applicants, then upload those videos! It was a hoot getting those stories. So while the portal update is efficient and may have less issues, it can lack some pizzaz. :slight_smile: :v:


I remember when I got my acceptance (there was no internet back in the prehistoric era :wink:). I checked the mail and remember thinking, “rejections don’t come in thick envelopes” when I pulled it from the mailbox.

I hope there’s good news for him, but even if he has good news, it may affect his performance. I don’t know. We will see. :smiley:


Thank you! It may have to be a game time decision. I told him I’d look for him, but then he would guess if I didn’t tell him to go ahead to see it, he knew it would be a rejection. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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how many students does USC in undergrad? Freshman class is how many?

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thanks for the file! it says 3,420 new students, for some reason i must have misread some of the numbers on this forum, it said 6840 or something! i thought that was too much! lol


That story brought tears of joy to my eyes. We had a similar situation years ago with our older kid… the postage was a giveaway. I knew, they didn’t… so hard to contain my excitement until they opened it.

I’m so glad you both have that white box memory.

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Curious, when info comes out - are parents watching over the shoulder when student checks portal or are you playing it “cool” and acting like you don’t know the results are out? In general, do you wait for them to bring you news or go through it with them? We have a lot of kids so it was different with different ones. I love the videos of a student surrounded with 20 people as they log in but can’t help but think, wow the pressure! No judgement, just curious.

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Our applicant has wanted us there. Did the videos initially, but the rejections and waitlists were a lot. Stopped the filming and just lived in the moment . They have 5 this week and another 7 in the week after. They still want us there, but no more “videos” and many this weekend will most likely be opened in a car on the way to see their sibling at college.

My fingers and toes will be crossed. Praying they are excited and proud of their hard work.


My kid says, “I’m in.” From wherever he is in the house. Very nonchalant for most schools on his list, and when I asked he didn’t want anyone with him or want to make a video. Sometimes he’ll look while we’re present just because we happen to be all sitting together, and so we saw him open the portal for one of his top schools and be excited. It was a tough process and hard one to get into, and I’m happy we got to see that one. :heart:

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I’m all for living and feeling the moment without the camera. It’s just too much and impedes the authentic reaction at times. I’d rather remember the real one.