USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

From my D23’s application:
Preferred start term : Fall 2023
Admission plan : Early Action. (you have to choose between Regular Decision or Early Action)

hmmm…I assumed (wrong apparently) that anyone applying by Nov 1 was considered EA (aside from those majors where it’s not applicable). Like the old Dec 1st deadline for merit. Seems like it would just default to EA. I can totally see first time parents/applicants getting confused by the whole EA/REA, etc thing.

This ^^^

This is the first year they have offered EA so you probably aren’t the only one who made this mistake. Have your STUDENT (not you) contact their admissions counselor. They can also contact admissions for the college they applied to.

Yes we chose RD as the option even though we turned in the application in September. I feel terrible that we messed this up. Thank you for everybody’s responses. Well contact the admissions officer right away. I hope they respond even on break, ugh. They should have had the default to EA, why else would the students be applying early?

Follow @lkg4answers directions “Have your STUDENT (not you) contact their admissions counselor. They can also contact admissions for the college they applied to.”

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It doesn’t default because there might be some schools that don’t have a disclaimer allowing a student to apply to another school EA if they need to do so in order to be considered for a scholarship.


While the student can try to call and talk to someone, don’t be surprised if there is nothing that can be done.

Not to sound condescending or rude but colleges want to make sure students read directions and follow them. It usually starts with the application process. They typically don’t have much sympathy for these mistakes as they have tens of thousands of applicants, especially USC.

The EA applicant pool decisions will either be accepted or deferred to RD anyways. They are anticipating only a 20-25% acceptance rate for EA.

From: How do I add material or make changes to my undergraduate application after I have submitted it?

How do I add material or make changes to my undergraduate application after I have submitted it?
Updated 09/09/2022 01:04 PM

If you have already submitted your application and need to make changes, you can email your admission counselor with the subject ‘Changes to Application’. Please use the same email address you used in your application for these requests.

I would only contact the assigned admissions officer and CC the email for the individual School’s admissions office. I would not suggest overwhelming the head of admissions or others. Good luck…


Happy to find this thread. My daughter applied to the SCA film production but didn’t have time to put film studies as a second choice. Should she reach out the admission to let them know that she would be interested in being considered for that program too?

What do you mean when you say that she didn’t have time?

It looks like she was deferred by her ED school. Is she getting nervous and re-thinking her other applications?

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Perhaps she forgot instead of not having time. Perhaps she thought she needed to add new supplements for that second choice and had not the time to do so, so she didn’t put a second choice on her application.

She was deferred by one of her EA school. She was accepted EA by two other schools, one with no merit scholarship, one with presidential scholarship. She was overwhelmed by all the applications (8 in total, not that much), all the essays and supplementals. It is tough to apply to a film school. So even of one of the strategy was to put a second choice, I think she forgot. I think USC was the last application she sent. USC is a reach for her. She has a friend who is in the film study program freshman year at USC and perhaps that motivated her later on to consider that program too.

In another thread you commented that USC film studies would be too easy after her HS experience. Is that your perception or hers? I ask because, if she decides to reach out to her admissions officer, she should make sure she explains why she would be willing to be considered for film studies. The AO are aware of EA/ED notifications and timing of requests like this. She should make sure that any contact isn’t viewed as a Hail Mary attempt to be accepted.

The perception is her friend’s. IB diploma: she found it more difficult than what she is learning now. But I had the same experience as a parent with her siblings. They found their bachelor program easier than in their HS. It was easier to have A’s. In the meantime, studying what you are passionate about makes your work easier, probably because of a better motivation.
She would like to be considered because she is more interested in a creative producing program than in directing, cinematography, editing. But she likes to be on a set. A more general approach could help her find her vocation. Her brother studied screenwriting but is an editor now. It’s hard to find a job in your area of studies in the film industry. Anyway, thank you for your answers, they are helpful. You’re right: even if my D tries to have a large panel to choose from, it must be well thought in advance. No Hail Mary!

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Hi everyone, I am starting this thread for those of us awaiting USC EA coming in January 2023. Good luck to all! :smiley:


What day in January will USC announce their EA decisions?

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While it says “mid to late January” on USC’s website, they have it listed as January 23rd on the USC Freshman Profile. Here: Freshman Profile by USC Enrollment Services - Issuu


thanks for posting, thats a great doc
I just learned that usc wont deny anyone in EA so this can be a long wait for some!


I think this is the first year that USC has had Early Action. In prior years, people who applied by Dec. 1st received a heads up that they might be admitted because a financial package was given to them in early January – even though official notification didn’t come until late March. Is there anything out there that would give some idea that USC is about to give you a “yes” or “no”? Thanks.


At the Discover USC event on Oct. 23rd, during the admissions presentation, someone from admissions said that approx. 20% of the class would be accepted through EA. They said most applicants would get a deferral. I do not remember if they said anything about rejections during EA.