USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

This is an amazing reminder on the Eve of more rejections than acceptances from USC based on numbers . It’s an amazing school and my son has the stats and leadership and EC to get in but expectations are set that he likely won’t . Thankful for other amazing options and wishing everyone good luck in their journey :heartpulse:


Ya, not gonna be April 1st - that’s the “phone” date. The one they give when anyone calls.

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Thanks. Will post if I get any other info regarding this

Thanks @mavian. To be real - generally speaking, anyone that truly truly sees USC as their only #1 choice (and let’s also be real again - those are the kids that should get in) is going to be paying attention to every little detail about getting admitted and would not miss something like that. There’s that abyss of time between submitting their app and results, and I know my kids were always checking to be sure there wasn’t anything else to do after being so busy with app stuff for so long! Of course there may be a truly unfortunate case of error because they saw deferred and moved on, and that’s a bummer for them.

I think @lkg4answers nailed it when she said that those that are just realizing they missed sending in the form likely got results recently (good and not good) and are just now swinging back around to thinking about USC. Versus those that have thought of pretty much nothing else since they submitted their app.


They will error on earlier - they don’t want to lose the scholarship kids - they certainly want to beat Ivy Day and UCB so kids get emotionally invested in USC. If they don’t think that way they need someone else in marketing. :slight_smile:

I would expect that news with or shortly after RD (and I mean right after). And if I’m wrong, sorry! But I’m always willing to throw it out there and have a pretty good hitting average. :slight_smile: One year they waited 3-4 days after RD and got a lot of pushback - too much stress on the applicants and they felt disrespected/unimportant. And even though they have the power with giving the money, leaving applicants feeling meh about them should not be the goal. They can be very arrogant - and seem to be working on that. Waiting on scholarships would be counterintuitive to that goal.

My middle daughter goes to USC and I knew she got in before she did because in the few days prior to her acceptance letter I was bombarded with requests for financial aid documents. I would consider it a good sign. With all 3 of my kids, getting financial aid info requests right before decision were due to come was always a sign (correctly so) of acceptance. People on here may disagree with me but that has been my experience.


Actually, I tend to agree with you, although we didn’t do FA. It seems that for the most part (not saying everyone), that the people getting requests like today or the 2-4 days before acceptances do tend to fair well in results.

Now of course the problem is, when people don’t get in, they tend to vanish on here never to be heard from again - so our data can be skewed. Meaning those that got asked but rejected don’t let us know. But totally hear you on that. So for you folks getting FA questions since Monday, please let us know what happens tomorrow when and if you choose to post your results!

Helps us regulars be more reliable. Thanks in advance!


I’m in the same boat! My middle daughter is a sophomore at USC and my youngest applied. It’s a reach for my youngest and she has been accepted to other great schools but if she gets into USC I would be over the moon for she and her sister to be together!

We didnt get any requests for FA forms and the portal shows its still in review so either they have everything or my daughter did not get in. We will have to see tomorrow

It’s that time again…

Tomorrow is the day! Students and parents alike are already on pins and needles (and will be on their portal all day tomorrow).

There will be a elation for quite a few (5500), but for many more (70,000+), there will be disappointment and angst that is a natural part of the process. We will see both tomorrow. There are those that will get in, but then won’t get (enough) merit or financial aid, so won’t be able to attend. For some, the acceptance process is a clear ride, for others (most), it is full of emotional ups and downs. For those deferred, the USC ride seems even longer than other schools. Even though mine got into USC and all ended well, the process had moments of pure evil and torture. So prepare for this by knowing you (or your student) are going to college somewhere, and whether USC or not, new friends and experiences await. Wherever it is, commit to bring your own special magic. You determine your future, don’t let disappointment from any college define it.

For students - if things don’t go your way, it’s ok (and expected) to be sad, or be pissed and even jealous…but by the time a day to two passes - or set a deadline of by the end of the weekend - commit to shake it off best you can and commit to love the one that loves you in the end. Get your head to the place, “if they don’t want me, I don’t want them.” Just know your special place is out there - because you will make it special. Rise up over rejection. Do great things to make it USC’s loss.

For parents - we hate anyone that hurts our kid, so be prepared for some dark feelings for USC and their process if they aren’t accepted. But understand the numbers game behind this insanity - they are building a puzzle with 3,000 unique pieces and a student has to have all the right attributes to be that one piece - many being things that the applicant has no control over like demographics/race/gender/geography/first gen/etc., USC and their acceptance process is not simply done by “stats and bests.”

Students can really struggle with results and question all the hard work they have done throughout high school and beyond. While social media can be a nightmare, I have always been encouraged by how supportive the posters are on the USC pages here (compared to some other sites). If you are struggling in this process, please talk to someone, even on a random site like this, find people to support you. They are out there, and we are here.

Please don’t let the numbers game of college admissions define you. Don’t let any school make you think you are not awesome. Especially a college that simply doesn’t have enough space for your awesomeness. It’s not you, it’s them. Regardless of the outcome, FIGHT ON!


@careamin are you talking about people who are requesting FA? What if we aren’t requesting it? Would we be getting emails as well? When my son applied EA, he got an email within a few weeks asking if he was submitting FAFSA. He responded that he wasn’t needing FA and they said to ignore the email. We haven’t gotten anything since then. I’m hoping that doesn’t mean he’s not being considered :frowning:

Don’t have a kid in the game this year, but this is a beautiful post! Brava/ Bravo!


They very well may have everything if you’ve been keeping up with the portal. I’ve been keeping up with it because I had experience with it already so im not reading too much into it but for those who haven’t been keeping up with it, this flurry of activity is, in my experience, a good sign.

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Did not mean to open a can of FA worms. Don’t worry about being asked for info or not.

@sdlivin2019 If you are not applying for FA you are done and won’t get anything except results tomorrow. (We didn’t apply for FA for our 4 kids at USC, so didn’t get anything re FA but all got accepted, they love full pays, ha.)

If you sent everything in and they have no more questions, your package is complete and you won’t hear anything till you get your FA results a week after acceptance.

If you think you sent everything in, but they don’t think you did and they want more info, you will hear from them. Reply quickly or you will find yourself up against the May 1 deadline without your FA info.

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Crossing my fingers that we both can attend Trojan Family Weekend this year as old and “new” parents. Good luck! (Sorry, just realized you might be from CT? I’m in CA so attending campus events is quite easy for us.)

Also want to chime in on the discussion on financial aid info requests – in the days leading up to March 26, 2020 (I will never forget the day USC decisions came out for my first college bound kid!) I was bombarded with requests from FA. This time around they asked for some documents before EA decisions came out (ended up being deferred), but radio silence since then.

In less than 24 hours we will all know for sure. Hang in there, everyone.


There ya go. Truth is, it should be completely separate as they say it is, but it is hard not to feel good when getting a request for info 24-48 hours of acceptance. And anecdotally we have heard those getting requests do get in. And we have heard those getting requests late have not got in. So net net it’s an idk situation, but hard not to be hopeful and will know in less than 24 hours now!


Will they send mail notification out as well?

Yes, but portal beats email typically. So they send email that portal has been updated.


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@careamin we will happily (sorta) pay if my son gets in. My husband is an HBS alum and understands the benefits of having a good network

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