USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

in the email received after submitting the application it says there will not be denials in EA.


Thanks for the link you posted! My DD applied EA to USC (Marshal). Attended a USC Discover event in our city. We loved their presentation! Looking forward to decision day.

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I wish they would admit a larger percentage of the class through EA than what they originally forecasted (approx 20%). Asking EA applicants to not apply ED elsewhere is asking a lot. Deferring everyone too. Admitting 80% of their class during RD just seems high. Kids just want to be done with this process. I hope they surprise everyone and take a higher percentage early.


USC EA is non-binding and non-restrictive, meaning you’re free to ED somewhere else while applying EA to USC, plus you can apply EA or ED to other private colleges.


I am sorry. You are right. I was thinking the other way around… that many ED schools do not allow a private EA application… which would inhibit an EA USC app.


no problem. So many schools, many types of EA - SCEA, REA w/ exceptions – it can be confusing.

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I’m not sure what you are referring to here. Applicants aren’t notified about financial aid until after they are accepted and sometimes it can take quite a while after acceptance to receive your financial aid package.

In this Annenberg article, USC Director of Admission, Kirk Brennan is quoted as saying, "We do plan to admit more students earlier than we have in the past,” Brennan said. “In the past, we’ve offered roughly 1000 offers of admission in January through our scholarship or first year scholarship finalist process. This year, we think we’re going to offer about twice that coming out.”

The article continues, "The undergraduate admissions department is anticipating that about 20 to 25 percent of incoming classes will be admitted under the early admissions umbrella. Applicants that do not get accepted early can still defer their application to the regular decision deadline, giving students a second chance at getting accepted. No applicant will be rejected during the early action round."


Hoping for the best! So is he saying that those not eligible to recieve merit/need based scholarships will also be notified in Jan of their acceptane or deferral whereas in the past only the scholars were notified in Jan?

That would be amazing if they took more kids than anticipated during EA. It is still ALOT of kids that will be deferred.

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This has nothing to do with need based scholarships.

In the past, those eligible for the top merit based scholarships were notified early. This year, more students will find out that they are accepted early. They may not be merit scholarship recipients but they will learn that USC wants them earlier than they did in the past.


@lkg4answers I think I should’ve said “merit” and not “financial aid”. What I meant is that for years, USC did not have EA. They did say in prior years that if you applied by Dec. 1st, you’d be eligible for Merit. A number of kids in those years would be notified in January that they had received Merit – even though USC sent out all decision back then in March. So, they knew in advance that they’d already been accepted. Obviously, that system is totally different now.

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Oh, that makes sense.

Previously, candidates for merit scholarships didn’t receive a “heads up” but received an outright acceptance in January. Along with the acceptance letter was in invite to interview for the merit scholarships. They didn’t find out which scholarship they received until March.

So does this mean USC will notify 1000 kids in Jan for merit scholarship/acceptance and 640 kids as EA Admit to make total admit of 1640 (20% of 8198 offers from 2022-2023 year)?

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By suggestion, the EA thread was merged with this one as many applicants are concerned with both processes, and we wanted to prevent duplicate or missing info in each thread. Many EA applicants will be deferred to regular decision as well, and this way, the information shared is all in one place.


Given EA is not binding, I think they will factor in yield and give however many offers it takes to yield 20 to 25 percent of the class, which would be a number greater than 1600ish.


It should be a rather easy fix to ask for your daughter’s application to be updated to include SCA Cinema and Media Studies as the second choice major. I would email her assigned admission’s officer and CC the SCA admissions email address asking for such a change to be applied.

USC SCA has never published its official admission rates/numbers as best I can tell, but it is highly competitive. It is traditionally ranked among America’s top 1-5 film schools and for a number of reasons. Many of those reasons have less to do with the academic program itself and instead with its location, its proximity to industry roles/internships and with the SCA Alumni Network post-USC. Absent an SCA insider spilling the info, all that any of us can go on is speculation and the #s overheard or talked about over the years. Overall, the SCA admit rate moving forward will still likely be in the 2-8% range… varying by program… with writing and IMGD likely being in that 2-4% range… production likely in the 3-5% range, animation and MAP likely in that 4-6% range and CAMS likely in that 6-8% range.

If anyone out there discovers the exact #s, please feel free to correct me or update these percentages.

Clearly, gaining admission to any SCA major is a huge accomplishment… as the competition is severe, and the number of spots available is extremely limited. And to do so, you actually have to be admitted twice… to USC overall and then also to SCA. Internal transfers (current USC students trying to transfer in to SCA) face much better odds. It is hardest trying to get in directly as a high school senior. You could always gain admission to any major at USC – or even be admitted just to USC but not to SCA (or to any School as Undeclared) and then try to internally transfer into SCA later, as my younger daughter did.

Good Luck…


45k people applied by the EA deadline (Nov 1) this year according to this person.

For reference, 38k applied by the Dec 1st deadline last year.


Yale doesn’t allow that


Wondering how good a source this person is.