USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

instead of waitlist they offer spots for the spring to some people


USC does not use a wait list.


I actually like that, add some certainty.


Does USC do rolling admission?

Not really, they are just slow not all at once.

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Bio major (dornsife)
3.8 UW
4.4 W
Strong LORs, ECs, and essays


Are they doing it be region?

Good luck all! Here’s my daughter’s USC miracle story from last year:

USC was her top choice. The financial aid tool said we’d get no money even though we are very middle class. When she learned she didn’t get merit in the early round, she was very disappointed. We thought that meant there was no way she could attend. When she got accepted a year ago she just sort of mentioned it casually — a sad day.

HOWEVER, I was hit with massive requests from FA and they gave us enough aid that brought the cost below a UC!! We couldn’t believe it. She’s attending and couldn’t be happier.


it’s not rolling per se but they just like release them in waves in a time span so that the portal doesn’t crash

Can’t tell no one is posting the area they are from

Rejected - Viterbi
1540; 10 APs all 5s; 97%GPA; captain, NHS pres, etc., etc.
Just remember: we could all be successful there!


S23 was rejected for Urban Studies

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My daughter was rejected and they told her to consider the Trojan transfer option? Do all of the rejection letters say that?

Thanks for including - no they don’t

Rejected at both NW and USC today psychology OOS

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Your stats are just as good or better than those accepted. It’s really just luck.

Is she legacy in any way?

New York


What area are the people who are hearing from in? Also are you getting emailed or checking portal? I just checked my portal and nothings there

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Her sister is a sophomore there.