USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

any instate or BFA decisions yet?

If accepted: ACCEPTED
School/Major: Viterbi/CS games
City/State or Country you are in: Metro STL area in Illinois
Were you deferred Yes or No? Deferred
Will you attend? Probably, but he got his head turned by a contender after being deferred so we’ll see.

If rejected (and you feel like posting):
Let us know if you have mention of Trojan Transfer
And are you legacy? Yes – Child of Alum and 2 siblings at USC.

Add anything you want as well - like received FA inquiries this week in either case

I did not check his portal at all, but our FA requests were all resolved by mid January, with no subsequent requests

I honestly believe legacy is what pushed him over the top because you all have amazing stats. He is a NMF, perfect GPA weighted and unweighted. Valedictorian of a small school. 1580 SAT, first and only attempt. His EC were nothing impressive. He was on a couple 1st place in state math teams and your typical school stuff like NHS, Scholar Bowl. And he did some hobby coding/programming but no impressive research positions etc.

I thought his essays were good, but what do I know? We did not see the letters of rec. (His teacher did say he got a thank you from USC for the letter and that he has never gotten a thank you from a university for a letter of rec before. Not sure if that is SOP for USC, now, or if that was a sign of good things to come.)

Fight On and good luck to all!


My son’s letter said 81,000 applications for 3400 spots.


So happy for you! You have two “A” plans afterall. Wooohooo!


That’s how big the class is, they accept more than that to cover the yield.

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Rejected, but accepted UCLA, so. Good luck everyone


Actually 90% of legacy are not accepted so ya, that’s not true.


More and more students are applying to college and are becoming college-eligible, which is amazing! Colleges are not getting any bigger in terms of spaces available.
Theory: Could have the pandemic/online school during 2020,2021, 2022 and some grade flexibility made some students college-eligible thus increasing applications on some campuses?

I think test optional opened the flood gates mostly. Kids are applying and hoping to get lucky where their use to be a more defined bar. Hoping holistic pulls them in at least at USC.


i got accepted into IYA at USC! :smiley:

from colorado


IYA - that is huge! :v: :v: :v:

no update on my portal yet, BFA in acting instate

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It’s usually a local event hosted by alumni to send off the new class.

No portal update :cry:

I think many students are applying to more schools. I have heard of several people applying to more than 20. Which is ridiculous to me.

Personally, I think the common app should offer the chance to rank colleges or at least to give your favorite five colleges a top five badge.

I think that would help colleges determine which students are actually serious about coming to their school.



D was denied, but offered TTP. S19 is an SCA senior. Here’s the TTP wording from the email.

“…this decision was especially difficult for us given your ties to the Trojan Family. If you decide that you still wish to explore a path to USC, consider applying for admission as a transfer student. Students may apply to transfer to USC after one year of strong academic work elsewhere. To learn how to plan your course schedule to be a competitive transfer applicant, please attend a Trojan Transfer Information Session in June. Reservations will be made available in your USC applicant portal in early May. Our transfer process is highly competitive, and while there are no guarantees of admission, I hope you will explore this option. I will email you more details in a few days.”


Nothing here yet.

It could be something to do with SC trying out EA this year.