USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

Yes @CaliMomFor2, we are Trojan family.

Paris- American University. School Apt in the Golden Triangle on the Champs.


Congratulations to other admits. Son got into Thornton - not stellar academics (4.3W, 1500, several AP’s) but had a decent audition. I am shocked to see so many with incredible academics and EC’s getting rejected - we are thankful for the blessings!


Rejected for CSBA

1500 SAT/33 ACT, 3.89uw, 4.57weighted, 16CC course, 5 honors, 8AP 6fig Biz, Intern for Polit Camp, Boy Scout, Sysadmin

Totally get it. Mine are world travelers but some friends would never consider it as a first year thing. But it has to be a great experience!

School/Major: SDA Acting for Stage and Screen BFA
City/State or Country Orange County/CA
Were you deferred: N/A
Will you attend? Most likely!


Indeed! Unbelievable super-stars you all are!

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Congrats on SDA - that’s huge!

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Son was Rejected.
4.04 UW
From Maryland
Test Optional
NHS 10th-12thgrade
SGA Officer
AfAm College Board Recognition Scholar/AP Scholar
8 APs/9 Honors/ 3 Dual Credits
National Latin Exam (cum laude, summa cum laude, magna cum laude)
All-Eastern, All Maryland Band, all County, Honors Bands, State Symphony Orchestra
3 Band scholarships and 1 Academic scholarship
private high school
4 year Swim

no mention of TTP

Was already rejected from Thornton/didn’t pass pre-screens, 2nd choice Environmental science

Already accepted into another Top Music school (Oberlin), Full Tuition at CWRU, near full at UMCP music, Fordham and elsewhere.
Going to make a decision soon.

Congratulations to everyone accepted :tada:
Hard luck and Godspeed to others denied :mending_heart:


My daughter got accepted for IYA. In state.She also got accepted for UCLA DMA.We have to wait and see if she gets any scholarship.


Congrats!! My daughter got into Thornton as well. Which emphasis is your son?


Piano! Your D ?


There is no immediate cushion to a rejection however, your success is not determined about where you go but rather what you do. It is okay to feel the emotions that come with a rejection, acceptance, waitlisted, etc. This is part of the journey, the journey will be filled of all the emotions you can think of. Embrace how incredible you have become and keep getting up and moving forward so that you can see how much greater your potential will be! Keep letting your light shine.

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Doesn’t IYA have auto scholarship - I’m not sure I may be thinking of something else like WBB.

I just looked it up - not auto but they do give some. Good luck hope u get good news in that!


Popular Music. Her and her classmate were both admitted into Popular Music so that makes it even better :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s awesome! That’s probably a tough program to get into - Congratulations to her!

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does anyone have any extra info abt the Viterbi Pathways Progam? like what percent of students were accepted to it and how many were actually able to successfully transfer in?

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am wondering how many test optionals who aren’t sports recruits, etc. got in?? It seems like here and NorthEastern weren’t test optional friendly.

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Thank you!!! SUPER stressful for both her and her friend (who she has been performing with for 7 years), so getting in together is a huge deal!

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Yes, spring might be great, if that were to happen. For example, my kid has travel he wants to do this summer. He’s not home, so I don’t know his result.