USC Class of 2027 — Regular & Early Action Decisions

My son was a Tulane spring admit and lived in Rome with some awesome guys doing the same for USC - was a really great experience.


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trojan Transfer Plan (TTP) including Study Abroad Info

Congrats @BeverlyWest was waiting for your update! I have a Thornton grad (and Marshall and Viterbi and Dornsife and Leventhal…). Thornton is such a great school and since a small school the kids really know each other. Hope it works out for yours.

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Over the moon excited for my daughter who got into the Games program with SCA. This has been her dream throughout high school and we are so happy for her. :tada:

School/Major: SCA/Game Development and Interactive Design
City/State or Country you are in: San Francisco
Were you deferred Yes or No? No, SCA didn’t allow EA
Will you attend? Good chance. As I mentioned before, it’s been her dream school. She did get a likely letter from an Ivy, so we will see!
And are you legacy? No

She has strong stats (3.95/4.5, 12 APs, 35 ACT, NMF) and many of her ECs revolved around Game Dev/Design including winning competitions. She also submitted a game portfolio and had an interview with SCA.


That is a crazy cool program.

Congrats to your son! My daughter was rejected from Viterbi for CS. She is a NMF, 1550 SAT with 12 or so AP classes. She has good ECs. Waiting to hear from a few more schools next week but she will likely to go to UIUC for CS + Linguistics. She is very excited about that specific program. (My husband and I are happy with the instate pricing!) We’ve heard such good things about their CS programs. Good Luck!


Welcome! If that is your real name, you should probably change it. Here are the instructions how.

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Accepted 4.2 GPA/ Marshall School of Business
34 ACT
So Thrilled for her!
Extensive ECS/unique
Varsity Athlete
So Cal local


DS23 Accepted!
School/Major: Dornsife, Environmental Studies
City/State or Country you are in: California (NorCal)
Were you deferred Yes or No? Yes
Will you attend? undecided, also admitted UCLA, no single dream school (good for current admissions climate which involves so much luck)

4.0uw/4.75w, 11 APs (5’s on all 5 taken to date), 6 Honors, 1570 SAT
Extracurriculars: environmental clubs/activities, speech & debate (nationally ranked, many awards), varsity athlete (for fun, not ranked or recruited), all ECs included leadership roles
Volunteer/Community service: 200+ hours
Summer Activities: environmental research, community service


Rejected from Thornton and Dornslife
4.0 UW, 1540 SAT, 11APs, 3 post-AP math classes
AIME + prestigious music ECs/awards
Strong LoRs

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Sorry, but with those stats you must have some great options - hope you love one of them!

Haven’t seen any waitlists…


wait wdym?
When is the financial offer for USC sent out
also dont scholarship results come out tommorow?

I have the same question. Hopefully someone knows more about this.

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Thank you for your encouragement. My best option so far is Tufts and I really like the school.

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Wondering why you were not offered The Trojan Transfer plan if you are a legacy??? I thought all legacies were offered this?

Aren’t all legacies offered TTP? I noticed one poster bagelhoundmom did not receive it but is a legacy through grandmother?

USC doesn’t do waitlists.

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