<p>USC is my top choice school and I was devastated when I viewed my financial aid awards totaling (grants+loans+WS) about 12,000. The EFC for USC was about 47,700... while my FAFSA EFC was 14,000. Does anyone have any strategies for appealing finaid? Especially for this much.. I would need about 23,000 more from them so this is going to be difficult. Any advice is much appreciated!</p>
<p>Yes, it is possible that your EFC calculated from the CSS was much much higher than from the FAFSA. When you fill both forms out, you realize that the CSS factors in every possible asset your family has-- homes, cars, retirements savings, etc… Relying on the FAFSA EFC, unless your family has 0 assets, is misleading. </p>
<p>However, it is also possible that your award is not complete or inaccurate so you should contact financial aid at once to get more information. </p>
<p>[USC</a> Financial Aid - Contact Us](<a href=“http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/contact.html]USC”>http://www.usc.edu/admission/fa/contact.html)</p>