USC full tuition vs. Boston University full scholarship [transfer from UMass Lowell]

I am Incoming sophomore transfer that will be studying M.E and potentially adding on Finance as my second major

Deciding on either being a commuter student to BU which I am on a full scholarship for or attending USC for about $100,000 a year

I hope to work in silicon valley (as I have a lot of family there) after college or at an MBB consulting firm(specifically). I am unsure whether I will use my M.E degree for a job in engineering on a job in business but my ultimate goal is to quit my job after I have accumulated some capital and pursue innovative endeavors. Side note: I’m making my decision based on the two grad business schools I want to attend(HarvardBS & StanfordBS)

What do you all suggest?

I am defiantly leaning toward USC at the moment

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Is this a real question ?

But if you have $100k for Sc (more like 90ish), why not live away from home in Boston to live away from home. And still save your family a boatload.

I’m not sure either gives an advantage over the other to reach your goals and neither will matter for SV. People go from all over to all over today.

Unless your last name is Bezos or Gates, to me at least, this is not a legit question.

Good luck.

Let me add - y you can go to UMASS Lowell and get to Harvard or Stanford. You work experience quality and GMAT will be what matters -not the undergrad name.

Those schools will have more kids from top rank schools because they were studs to begin with but from plenty of less prestigious too. A stud is a stud no matter where they went undergrad.

Know who’s gone to Harvard MBA. Bob jones u, Kettering. LSU, Ohio Northern, u of Arizona. U of conn. U of Cincy. U of Nebraska u of Oklahoma. Vcu. Etc.

So I think your premise is far off. But both grad schools will be a fortune - another reason to save.

Good luck.

$100,000 a YEAR? Where does that number come from?

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I said 100k because 90kish + around 10k for dues and other expenses(flights, food, etc). I know “anything is possible from anywhere,” but some places make doing things easier. I also am not getting a loan from my parent so I would take out student loans. The reason I ask is because according to data(regardless of how the positions were obtained) USC graduates tend to be more successful, and I am not talking about what it means for me, but what it means for the kids around me. I want to go to a school where I know that the kids around me will be successful so if I need the VC or PE connects, it will be possible from my friends from undergrad. Also I know that public company board seats are acquired through strong connections so i’m sure in the long run there could be some benefits

the school estimates 90k; however, this doesn’t take into account flights, textbooks, organization dues, trips with friends, food, etc

So you are saying you have a full tuition scholarship to BU? That means you would only have to pay room and board to live on campus and attend BU. That is far less than $100,000 a year. And BU is an excellent college. If you live on campus, it doesn’t matter if you are five miles from home or 3000 miles from home…you are on campus.

Not sure why you are leaning towards USC.

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it did seem excellent until I saw that a lot of companies of interest to me aren’t even visiting BU for on campus job recruiting(regardless of location)

The COA does include some money towards those other costs:

On/Off Campus With Parents or Relatives
Tuition (12-18 units for two semesters) $66,640
Fees $1,597
Housing $11,910
Dining/meals $7,290
Books and supplies $1,200
Personal and miscellaneous $1,820
Transportation $464
Total $90,921
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transportation will be much more than $464 for me since I would likely travel home 5 or 6 times throughout the semester. Dues are also about 7 or 8k

Many companies recruit using other formats than visiting colleges…and many students get their jobs other ways.

@tsbna44 can you please elaborate.

I meant year not semester

That is way too much. You won’t have 5-6 vacations per year. Why this much?

If you want to be home that much, go to BU where this won’t be an issue.

For reference…my kid went to college in CA, across the country. Kid came home for the long winter break and for the summer. Kid did service projects during the spring break, and visited relatives in CA for Thanksgiving. But even if we flew the kid home for Thanksgiving, that would have been 3 trips per year. Which really is plenty.

It sounds like you don’t really want to be far from home…but then you sort of do.

I think you need to think about what is important to you. Are your parents able to pay $100,000 a year for you to attend USC without taking loans?



It would be insane to take USC in this situation.


I would go to BU.


You can’t take out hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans as an undergrad.

BU gave you a full scholarship as a transfer?

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  1. Bos to Cal in the fall
  2. Cal to Bos thanksgiving then 3. Bos to Cal
  3. Christmas break Cal to Bos
  4. Spring sem bos to cal
  5. Spring break Cal to Bos
  6. Back to school Bos to Cal
  7. Back for summer Cal to Bos

Yikes, I actually did not look into that. I guess I would have to take a gap year and have to save up quite a bit

yea I went to a local HS that have full scholarship programs for BU transfers