<p>Hey everyone, I'm currently a student at SMC, hoping to transfer to USC. I have one question though about the library at USC. I live near USC, and all of the libraries close relatively early, and I have a hard time trying to study at home. I looked at the USC website, and I believe it said that the USC library is open 24 hrs (can someone confirm this?). However, it said that between the hours of 10pm and 7am, some sort of student identifcation needs to be presented. My question is... is this really enforced? Do I need to be a student in order to study at the library late at night? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>There are many libraries on campus, but only Leavey is open 24 hrs. They do strictly enforce the student ID policy between those hours you mentioned. (Either by the attendant at the door or by "patrol" assistants in the study rooms) So you need to have a USC ID to be in Leavey at the time.</p>
<p>Thanks for the reply. If I'm in by 10pm (I assume before 10pm, they don't check ID at the door), will I be ok? Or do they roam around checking ID's inside the library.</p>
<p>To all people who get in before 10 pm, they announce over the loudspeaker that you need to have your IDs out, and the "patrol" assistants will come and check. I mean, it probably isn't that hard to dodge them, but I won't give you any ideas...</p>