USC Marshall Articulation necessary?

<p>Hey guys, I am thinking about transferring to USC for fall 2012. My question is, does the articulation agreement (the GE agreement) play a huge factor into being admitted? I will have all the pre-reqs done including financial/managerial accounting.</p>

<p>Not sure if I understand what you mean by the articulation agreement?</p>

<p>Just be sure to complete the prerequisites and the English requirement. The other courses (GE courses) are recommended but not required.</p>

<p>[Transfer</a> Students | Business Administration | USC Marshall School of Business](<a href=“Home - USC Marshall”>Home - USC Marshall)</p>

<p>Thanks yeah I was referring mostly to the GE courses, as long as I complete the pre-reqs/english I should be fine right, I mean they dont heavily base their decision off that?</p>

<p>Yeah. I would primarily focus on the prerequisites and GPA. If possible take one or two GE courses, but since they are not required for admission don’t worry if you can’t. How many units will you have when you apply?</p>

<p>Great man, i’ll have about 50 semester units when I apply that are UC transferable and around 65 units when I’m finished with the spring semester. Do you currently go to marshall?</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it too much. They don’t base your admission on prereqs. A lot of transfer students in Marshall have to take an extra year to finish b/c their classes didn’t transfer.</p>

<p>I had to fight teeth and nail to get them to take some courses, lol.</p>

<p>LOL yeah thats what I have been hearing. For the most part if I finish my econ, calc I/II, accounting I/II, English 1/2, Stats, and Business law with a good gpa… I should be in the running correct?</p>


Currently a prospective transfer applicant. Will be applying for the 2012 fall semester.


<p>I don’t know if it changed again in the past year, but you can’t transfer econ anymore. You have to take 251x (Microecon for Business) and 252x (Macroecon for Business). </p>

<p>Are you transferring from a 2yr or 4yr? If you’re coming from a four year and take financial and managerial accounting, you can waive the Marshall accounting requirements. I would try to get as many GEs out of the way as possible. They’re such a *****.</p>

<p>Edit: I see that you’re also applying to Haas. Most breadth classes also meet the USC GE requirements. The breadth classes I took for Haas transfer were the ones that transferred (hallelujah).</p>

<p>Yeah thats what I have been hearing… my financial/managerial accounting and macro/micro econ are not going to count. That sort of sucks, as I might not transfer as a full junior then. By GE did you mean the I-V requirements? I have 1-2 courses from that but most of my courses are from the Lower division requirements. Did you get into HAAS? how is USC?</p>

<p>Financial/managerial will count if you’ve taken both. If you’re coming from a four year and you’ve taken both, then you won’t have to take the USC acct courses. If you’re coming from a two year and you’ve taken both, you’ll have to take the abridged version. If you’ve taken one or the other at either a two year or four year, you’ll have to take both at USC.</p>

<p>Yep, I-VI reqs. For Haas, you have to complete all of the breadth for transfer consideration anyway. It turned out that these fulfilled most of my USC I-VI GE reqs (you have to take IV and VI at USC).</p>

<p>You will transfer as a full junior if they accept all of your units (up to 64, IIRC)</p>

<p>I did not get into Haas. USC is awesome. I love it. so. much.</p>

<p>Thats so awesome… how do you like the business school/people in it, frat life pretty sick?</p>

<p>The business school is awesome. I love my classes and the professors are really accessible. The people are slightly more intense and extremely involved, which I really like.</p>

<p>I can’t really attest to frat life. I’ve been to a couple of parties, and they’re cool. It’s not my scene, though.</p>

<p>The football games are primo.</p>

<p>It all sounds so great</p>

<p>LMK if you have any questions. I’ve gone forwards and backwards with admissions/financial aid/etc.</p>

<p>Great, another question. When you apply in February for the Fall semester, do they not give you a decision by June? Wont that be too late if Berkeley for instance wants an answer by May 1st?</p>

<p>^^ some people find out sooner than June, around April or May. If you find out in June however, and Cal wants a deposit by May 1st, you would pay for the deposit to Cal first (just in case you didn’t get into SC). After you find out from SC, you can change your decision and just pay the deposit for SC instead. By paying the deposit for enrollment at a University, there’s no contract forcing you to attend that University.</p>

<p>As an observation from the last two years, it seem the applicants who heard back in June were those who received SGRs (Spring Grade Requests).</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses guys! They will probably want an SGR as I’m taking business calc 2 in the spring.</p>


Taking Biz Calc 2 will certainly help you especially if you receive a good grade, but only Biz Calc 1 or Calculus 1 is required so I don’t see why you would receive a SGR.</p>