USC President Announces $1.2 Billion Raised in Last 12 Months

<p>Yesterday the formal launching of the $6 Billion "Campaign for the University of Southern California" was made at a gala celebration on the SC campus in Los Angeles.
President Nikias spoke before a packed auditorium and was saluted by members of the USC Marching Band. Special guests were Mork, Trustee and Presidential Scholars.</p>

<p>A highlight of the day was the surprise announcement the university had received $1.2 billion in contributions in the last twelve months. The planned goal of the initiative is $6 billion to be raised by 2018. </p>

<p>The university has received some major donations in recent months including Keck Foundation of $150 million, Dornsife Family $200 million, John Mork $110 million, Ming Hsieh $50 million, Annenberg $50 million, Jeff Katzenberg $25 million, Michelle Engemann $15 million, Anonymous $50 million, Krotchuk $10 million, Dr. N. Levan $10 million and Adrienne Westerbeck $4 million as well as others.</p>

<p>Congrats to USC…</p>

<p>Don’t mean to be so harsh on USC because it’s a very good school. Not very rigorous, but a lot of privates are similarly oriented.</p>

<p>But, what is the scholarship that will require a 3.5 minimum gpa? How will the U enforce this? If grades dip below do the students lose the scholarship but have a chance to regain it? What majors?</p>

<p>Also, I might know someone who might be interested … what is the minimum gpa of a Bac/MD student to gain admission to USC Med? Does it require an MCAT? </p>


<p>Impressive. Congrats to USC.</p>


<pre><code>The new scholarship is the Mork Scholarship. It is for full tuition plus $5000 per year. According to Mr. Mork’s wishes preference is to be given to the most promising and high achieving students from underserved communities. Other details can be obtained by contacting the financial aid office at USC. Applicants to USC who wish to be CONSIDERED for the merit scholarships must apply by Dec. 1. 2011. An applicant can major in any subject.

<p>The Bac/MD program is no longer offered at USC. </p>

<p>What qualifications do you have to determine the rigor of courses offered by a university you do not attend? SC students are being selected for Fulbright, Boren, Churchill and Luce Fellowships, among many others. These organizations appear to find SC students well qualified.</p>