USC SCA Summer Program?

So I am contemplating doing the USC SCA summer program. I already applied and was accepted for the Beginning Filmmaking class, but I just dont know if I can justify how expensive it is. Has anyone on here taken it before? I would really love to get someones reviews and/or thoughts on the course, what it was like, whether it was worth it, what you learned. I havent been able to find much in terms of reviews and such online, and I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

I participated in the USC SCA beginning filmmaking program a year ago and it was an amazing experience for me. I learnt so much and it’s actually what made me realize I wanted to study film, so I would definitely recommend it. The facilities are great and it’s a really intense course - it does cost a lot but I really think it’s worth it, especially if you’re thinking of studying film production in the future!