USC SCA transfers 2021-2022

Meanwhile My interviewer didn’t even respond to my thanks email after the interview :cry:. Thats great news tho!! And very unusual haha

Meanwhile, the UC’s require $2k commitment by June 1…

I start summer school May 27th, and I definitely want to make some changes to that schedule if I’m transferring but… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yea there’s a lot of flaws in the commitment payment dates and the date’s we find out about our admission results. Being waitlisted (which I am) is the worst because the waitlisted announcements are mid to late June. That’s just so late. Unless you’re gonna put all your eggs in one basket and wait for that one school’s response, you’re forced to pay and carry through with your admission to another school while you wait…

I mean congrats on getting waitlisted for Chapman though, I got rejected three weeks ago.

Yes of course, and thank you. I should have worded it better but I am very grateful and honored to be waitlisted for Chapman and I know a lot of student’s would happily take that spot. I’ve never been waitlisted before, so I was just surprised when I found out about how late the waitlisted decision dates were. Either way, I’m still anxiously waiting to hear back from USC as I’m sure we all are

How’s it going guys
I just keep thinking about the fact that in the past USC SCA transfers have received decisions way after everyone else, but as of now literally no one has gotten in so what does that mean for us :sob:

The smaller the school, the longer it takes to hear back. That’s usually how it goes. And it would definitely explain why us SCA applicants always find out last. So far everything has been pretty normal though, because in past years the decisions usually come out this friday. So in just a few days we’ll see if it’s the same for us. Fingers crossed

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This week we should hear back. We are almost there guys!!

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Only a few days left. Pretty sure there’s been no sca decisions made yet. The wait is brutal but at least we’re all in the same boat. Good luck everyone


Hey all! Just discovered this thread and found it super encouraging. I was interviewed back in April and have heard nothing. I was starting to feel pretty negative about it but looks like we are all in the same boat. It’s nice to have company. Stay strong!


Welcome! Yea we’re a small group of sca transfer applicants and this thread doesn’t get much movement just because there’s the main usc transfer thread where most of the discussion happens. I was also interviewed in April and have heard nothing since. This is normal and anything can still happen. Hoping we hear some good news either today or tomorrow!


I was interviewed in April and then had another email exchange in early May but no SCA transfer applicants have gotten any decisions! It’s gotta be today or tomorrow though!

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May I ask what your email exchange in May after your interview was about? Just curious if the conversation was started by you asking a question, or if they reached out to you for more information?

The assistant director of admissions for SCA reached out to me for more information. I’m out of state so one of the questions was about how credits at my school work, and I know another out of state person got asked the same question.

Oh okay, thanks for clarifying.

Hmmm I’m out of state too and I had no follow-ups… I don’t know if I should feel discouraged? I also finished my transfer degree a long time ago though, lol.

Thanks! Where can I find the other group?

Has has anyone had any updates? Heard anything?

No updates yet. Will most likely hear something around 5pm if we hear anything today. Which I hope we do fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:t3:.

Here’s the link to the main USC transfer thread it tends to get lots of action.

Good luck! Hope you get in! :upside_down_face: