USC short answer...HELP!

<p>AH my application is due in 8 hours, and I have no idea how to answer the question asking "Describe your academic interests and how you plan to pursue them at USC." I hate how it's basically just a "Why USC?" essay. Does anyone have any tips on how to make it interesting or how to approach it? Does this short answer matter that much?</p>

<p>basically you tell them your interests, art, music, science, math, whatever. Then tell them how you’ll pursue them at USC, for example, if you’re into art/music talk about their programs and experiencing LA. Talk about their professors or student body.</p>

<p>Yes, short answers matter. (Crap, I’m doing the short answer before this RIGHT NOW.)
It’s not really a “Why USC?” question – it asks more about YOU and your career than USC in particular. For this question I think you should answer:
-your courses/major/etc
-why you want to take it at USC
Oh, and you could mention some unique things to USC. (Maybe you want to double major in blah and blah in 4 years, or pursue a minor, etc. Or you heard the faculty were great and very supportive, etc.)</p>