USC Transfer 09' need advice!

<p>Hey everyone! I've been reading this forum for two days straight now and I really love the advice and help everyone has given to each other. Thank god most of my questions have been answered thanks to the dedication you guys have put forth, but I feel this might be necessary for me to ask only because I've been a bit worried lately.</p>

<p>Major: Molecular Biology with a Minor in Chemistry</p>

<p>GPA: 3.458 (for freshman year, but I'm going to try and finish with a 3.78 by the end of my sophomore year) </p>

<p>Units: 31 (although I'm not sure what is and what isn't transferable, I think all should be.)</p>

<p>GE: Need one more class, 1 in progress, and then there's the 2 only given at USC.</p>

<p>Pre-Req: Everything done, except for language (although I'm very fluent in Turkish, is it possible to get some sort of language test to pass you for this language?)</p>

<p>EC: Over 1000+ hours of volunteer work, captain of my Intramural's volleyball team, Helped with freshman orientation, etc. (I dont know if I should list HS EC's up here)</p>

<p>Work: Manager at a gas station/mechanic shop for 4 years. Also have been working at my colleges new rec center, rising through the ranks to become a manager and marketing supervisor.</p>

<p>Legacy: None, first generation</p>

<p>Applying to: College of Letters & Art
1st major: Biology
2nd major: Unsure, any advice? I'm trying to get into Dentistry School.
Current School: Montclair State University (NJ)</p>

<p>Honestly, anyone with past experience, what are my chances into getting into USC? </p>

<p>*Also, I feel my GPA from my freshman year, 3.458, is not near what I'm capable of. I've decided to go rambo for my upcoming sophomore year and if I do as well as I think I will, I will end up with a 3.78 GPA. Does USC look at this improvement or will they just look at my 3.5 GPA from year 1 and scoff me off? :/ </p>


<p>bumpppp jgjcykgvhv lol</p>

<p>wow really no one... /:</p>

<p>bump please...anyoneeee?</p>

<p>Hey there. I will also be applying for Fall '09 transfer and I've been studying up on the transfer materials for quite some time now. Unfortunately I am far from a science major (although I do work at the USC medical campus) but I will try and help you the best I can.</p>

<p>First and foremost, USC weighs the GPA most heavily when considering transfers. With that said, your 3.45 will give you a shot, but you most definitely need to raise that higher. You will have a much better shot with a 3.7 as that was the average transfer GPA for last year.</p>

<p>Second, you asked about an alternate major. USC offers a B.A. in Dental Hygiene, which for obvious reasons may interest you. And for the record, the Dental Hygiene major is one of the relatively few programs at USC that does NOT require foreign language fulfillment. </p>

<p>Second, you need to be certain which classes that you have completed/plan on completing will transfer. There is a section on the USC site with histories from different colleges. Montclair State is on the drop-down list. Here it is: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>All-in-all, with your ECs, work experience, and your raising to a ~3.7, you have a fair shot at USC.</p>

<p>Let me know if you have any more questions. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>Awesome, thanks a lot for the information! </p>

<p>I checked to see which classes count for credit, and I saw that only like 4 classes out of MSU count? It seems very odd to me that this would be. </p>

<p>As for my GPA, I have a 3.5 now, but I still have my sophomore year to complete, but the application is due February which means they won't get a chance to look at my final GPA at the end of my soph. year. Any advice on that? I mean even if I get 4.0's for fall 08' my GPA would maybe go up to a 3.6+. </p>

<p>Also, since I'm a molecular biology major with a chem minor, does that help my odds at all? I feel biology is one of the most rigorous course loads you can possibly take...</p>

<p>thanks once again! =]</p>

<p>About the articulation with your school, the way that the list came to be is that they recorded which classes transferred for credit for someone from your school who transferred to USC in the past. So that list is by no means set in stone. What this means is that you will need to petition for your classes to transfer -- and I don't know much about that process at all since I go to a CCC. :)</p>

<p>About your GPA, USC really likes to see upward trends in your grades. This means that if you get a 4.0 in the fall (I need to do the same) that you will definitely have an edge on getting admitted. And if that brings you up to a 3.6, that is still not so bad. People have been admitted with slightly lower GPAs.</p>

<p>And I agree with you, bio and chem is a rigorous workload. It is possible that this can give you an edge, but keep in mind: you are not competing with English or Art History majors -- you are competing with bio and chem majors such as yourself who have likely taken a course load just as rigorous as yours.</p>

<p>very true, I feel the only advantage I really have is volunteer work and EC's. </p>

<p>My GPA will go in an upward trend hopefully, so by Fall 09' I'll have the same GPA as everyone else, but with perks like EC and work and other stuff I think I might have a shot? </p>

<p>It just worried me, I was actually thinking I had NO chance of getting in, but hey, impossible is nothing. </p>

<p>Grey, you'll be applying for fall 09' as a junior?</p>

<p>I'd say you have a decent shot. Yes I'll be applying for junior standing, '09.</p>

<p>want to transer either ucla or usc (music or buisness major)?
im in one of the best transfer community colleges in California. i was wondering if how could i easily tranfer to a university-
first choice - usc 2nd- ucla.
im not worried about financially though and im not really a very very smart student but very hardworking and focused in college.</p>

<p>im thinking of business or music major. either the two would work for me. my parents wants me to take business (which is good) but i love to sing(no instruments though) Im very passionate about my singing. what is the best way to transfer and how hard and how could it be possibly easy to get to a university. is there a minimum gpa???? </p>

<p>if i push through a music major, am i required to play instruments or can i focus on my craft in singing. i would love to take business but heard it takes so long.</p>

<p>pls help me out people.</p>

<p>i really want to transfer to a university.</p>

<p>and yah. just started this fall. how long do you think it will take me to transfer if i take full time classes???</p>

<p>and whats the easiest major that you can graduate fast in usc or ucla????</p>

<p>Major: Philosophy
Units: 50
Pre-reqs: Will be finished Spring 09’
GE: Need 1 math class
GPA: 3.22
Grade Trend: Significantly Upward
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Personal Statement: 8/10
EC: Philosophy Club (Creator)
Recommendation: Cannot mention his name, but a STELLAR recommendation.</p>

<p>GPA is a bit low, but you say that you have a significantly strong upward trend. The stronger this upward trend, the stronger your chances. I’d say mid-reach, just based on the GPA/ECs.</p>

<p>I’m also applying as for the Philosophy major and I’m curious, what classes did you take in preparation?</p>

<p>Philosophy 101: Intro to Philosophy
Philosophy 210: Intro to Ethics
Philosophy 230: Symbolic Logic</p>

<p>haha i’m taking intro to philosophy right now and thought of you grey :stuck_out_tongue: </p>

<p>hard class, but i’m managing an A average right now i hope :D</p>

<p>Advice for Fall 09 Applicants:</p>

<p>I transferred to USC the Fall08-Sp09 year. I found this site very helpful and somewhat addicting and I thought I should give back and post some useful information</p>

<p>First, my stats:</p>

<p>Transfered from CC
Transfer GPA: 3.55 (Transfer GPA is what they use when considering applicants)
Major: SPPD-although Im now an Economics Major
Completed all Prereqs
Work Experience: 3.5 years in real estate as a top producer/leader
completed 62 units by end of spring.
No Legacy, No USC related recomendations</p>

<p>Some info I believe is worth knowing:</p>

<p>First: The KEY to USC is Making yourself look as different as you can from other applicants. Dig deep if you have to and expound on things that differentiate yourself. I feel my application was unique and that led to my admission. Send Letters of Recommendation. Send a letter to the admissions office stating why specifically YOU would be an asset to USC. If possible, Meet with an admission rep from the major you are applying to.</p>

<p>Second;GPA: calculate your transfer GPA. if your GPA is lower, make sure it has trended and is trending higher. Often they will ask for spring grades and make sure they are very good. I had a 3.55 overall- not the absolute best but I showed significant improvement and my last 2 semesters I had great grades (inc. a 4.0 SP08 ).</p>

<p>Third: Be persistent and patient (both)-I still remember the names of the customer service people because I called to get status updates so often. They are often very tight lipped but try to get any info you can. I finally heard my application was finalized and got an admission offer LATE JULY–In fact I had already paid a commitment deposit to a different school.</p>

<p>Lastly: Be prepared to work hard once you’re admitted. I have never been exposed to so many smart people. its quite competitive but really an amazing college to attend.</p>

<p>GOOD LUCK!</p>

<p>awesome info man, glad to see all the help we can get :)</p>

<p>I’m applying to SPPD, so thank you for that. I truly appreciate it.</p>

<p>Can you tell me a little more about the program? I know that the undergraduate SPPD student body is pretty small, so can you tell us/me about your classes? What they’re like/workload? How big/small they are? Do you like/not like? Why did you switch to Economics?</p>

<p>zircushio, I say you’re in good standing. I would suggest you raise your GPA a little higher though.</p>

<p>I think I’ll end up with a 3.71 this semester. I think that makes me pretty competitive :)</p>