Hey! Transfer orientation is coming up this July 11-- for those who’ve been or know what goes on, what should I expect from start to finish? Is there anything I should check out or watch for, and how does class registration work?
Any info or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot! 
Orientation was a blast! I had never visited the USC campus before, so I was going in blind. Orientation convinced me that I made the right choice. I did winter orientation though as I was a spring admit, so my experience is likely a little different from summer orientation.
Check-in at orientation was a breeze. My mom made a last minute decision to go with me and I was worried that it was going to be a problem, but I just paid the fee with my debit card and that was that. I went on a quick tour (probably about 5 minutes) of the school. I was running a little late, so that’s why it had to be so swift. Then there was a presentation at Bovard about safety. The awesome director of orientation, Lisa Starr started the day off on a good note. She was really a highlight of the day. She sure knows how to welcome transfers
She made tons of jokes and knew how to work the crowed. She stated that she had transferred from Santa Monica College and the room erupted with cheers from other SMC students.
Then you go off with an orientation advisor and some other students. I don’t really remember this part very well, but I recall a bunch of students (even the orientation advisor) making jokes about UCLA. When it was my turn to introduce myself, I made one too, but not a single person laughed, lol
During this time, I believe my mom was listening to a talk about how to pay for college or something.
Next, students from the various schools were separated and went to talk about degree requirements. We were given forms to fill out for our academic advisors. After this, we had lunch with our academic advisors. The food was really good, haha. I had a second serving (or maybe a third). I did feel a little odd about how some of the staff threw away my plate/trash. I felt like I could have done that myself. The lunch was in TCC Ballroom, but I’ve attended summer school and noticed that summer orientations tend to have their lunch just outside of Taper Hall. The Trojan Marching Band surprised us at the end of lunch and it really put me in a good mood. I was so full of Trojan spirt. The ever awesome Lisa Starr was throwing up the fight on hand gesture and really got into the spirit as well.
After this, we walked with our advisors to Kaprielian Hall to register for courses. The advisors just sort of walked around and made suggestions, but we were free to create our own schedule. This is something I really enjoyed. I had attended orientation at UCLA and I was basically handed a list of classes that I was allowed to take. I was able to enroll in every single course that I wanted. It was a night and day difference compared to UCLA. Once you were done with class registration, you were pretty much free to leave or could stick around and check out Student Services stuff. I want to say that I was on my way home by 3PM. Compare this to UCLA where course registration didn’t even happen until like 7PM, lol. I’m glad that it wasn’t an all day thing just to enroll in classes. I truly felt like I was part of the Trojan Family.
If you have any specific questions, I’d be happy to answer to the best of my ability. Like I said though, there will likely be some differences between summer and winter orientations as well as difference between schools.