USC Tuition Exchange Decision

Has anyone received their tuition exchange scholarship for the 2023-2024 school year from USC? I was told they would be released on Friday but I still haven’t gotten any email or updates from them.

No word here.
My daughter is waiting, hoping…
It’s her top choice, but unaffordable without TE.
With 12 days to go, it’s super stressful to still be in limbo.

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Good luck to you both - hope you hear soon!

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I have been waitlisted for Tuition Exchange at USC. When will I receive my final decision for TE? Will it be before May 1st? I have called USC numerous times and they never give me a straight answer.
Also, is it likely that I will get off the waitlist?

My D23 has been waitlisted for USC’s TE award too. Also called and didn’t receive any info. After reading some of the threads from previous years @ USC/Tuition Exchange awards, haven’t come across any that mention a waitlist.

Checked USC’s Tuition Exchange site and they are giving the awards this upcoming year to not only freshmen/transfers but also sophomores, juniors, seniors. I may be wrong, but I thought they only gave it to freshmen/transfers in past years.

Finger’s crossed they update the tuition exchange portal tomorrow and the “waiting” will be over soon!

I received the TE scholarship this morning! USC ‘27 :heart::yellow_heart:

Congrats --that fantastic news!
To her surprise, my D23 also received it yesterday and couldn’t be more excited. Hope you both have an amazing time at USC!!

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Curious if either of your students got National merit in addition to TE? Best of luck to them this fall!

No, my daughter was not NM.
She received a $4,000 university scholarship that was stacked with the Tuition Exchange award at USC. Costs came to @30,000 a year with no f/a so we feel quite lucky it all worked out.

Good luck to your student as well. The first half of senior year can be pretty stressful with all the applications to complete. Is USC their top choice?

Thank you so much - that is interesting and very helpful.
Definitely high on the list (engineering) but a reach for anyone! Congratulations - I hope your student has a wonderful time.

If you have any thoughts to share on the USC admissions process/TE, I’d love to hear them. I have twins going through the TE process this year, and the one looking at USC is interested in engineering. USC is appealing to the twin that is high stats because of their holistic approach (opportunities to take a variety of courses beyond engineering like Chinese), 26 year old sister in Burbank, and strength of the learning environment.

Hope it’s ok that I sent you an IM on some thoughts I had about it.

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