<p>First any help would be simply great
My gpa my sophmore year was down but rebounded by JR year. Soph- 3.5, 3.65, Jr- 4.125, 4.125 CUM- 3.8075. I am taking two courses at a city college over summer and those will boost my gpa even more. Will be roughly 3.95 Total AP Classes- AP Euro, AP US, AP Psych, AP Comp. Honors English, Honors Chem too. Spanish 1,2,3. My Co-curriculars are off the charts, participating in everything possible and recieving many awards and recognitions in the things i do. President/Founder of a school club. will be 3 year varsity athlete. Over 100 hours of community service. 1900 on SAT, 27 ACT. I will apply at all three for early admisions- any hope? I know the gpa is low but hopefully co curricular will help a lot. Usc is my first choice. Any advice would be great. Honesty PLEASE.</p>

<p>You need to calculate your UC GPA which only includes A-G classes for soph and junior years. That’s what UCs look at. You can only weigh 8 terms of honors/APs, and those must be approved classes. None of the UCs offer an early application program.</p>

<p>For the top UCs, average UC GPA is 4.2, average SAT 2050. USC wants similar stats, their average SAT is a bit higher, so definitely retake for all 3.</p>

<p>Activities help most once you have at least the average stats.</p>

<p>UC Gpa is 3.8, will be likley 4 with the two college classes over summer. Thanks for replying</p>

<p>The classes over summer will not count.</p>

<p>you’ll need to raise that SAT substantially for USC.</p>

<p>College courses over the summer, if they are in A-G subjects, *will *count for UC GPA and are granted the extra GPA pt (within the 8 semester limit for GPA weight). <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>are you sure college courses (taken at the local jr college) count for the extra point, or just high school summer school courses</p>

<p>Yeah i was told the UC’s recalculate your gpa with college classes assuming htey are before your senior year. Private schools, however, i am clueless.</p>


Yes, I am sure. If you clicked the link I included to support my post from the official University of California application website, you would have found the following:</p>


<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks, I have an upcoming HS junior that will probably take a class this fall at the JC bc he is only able to take two honors classes this fall due to scheduling problems ( he is in a fine arts magnet).</p>

<p>Regardless of anything, you will not be applying to USC, UCLA or UC Berkeley for early action or early decision because none of them has either of those.</p>