USC vs Emory vs Vanderbilt for neuroscience/pre-med

Accepted by USC vs Emory vs Vanderbilt pre-med in Neuroscience, the cost is the same. Which school is a better choice for applying to med school later? Any pros/cons?

I think this is one of the scenarios where you only have good options, and need to go by fit/location.

The one where she fits best because grades will matter so you want her happy.

Both Emory and Vandy are medical powerhouses. Ask what type of opportunities are there for shadowing etc. I’d assume USC is too but don’t know.

SC is much bigger - does that play a role? Vandy is smack dab in all the action of West End - from restaurants and the Parthenon to a close distance to Broadway and the music scene. Does that matter ? Emory is gorgeous but more - isolated isn’t the right word than Vandy but it’s not smack dab in the center of things like Vandy.

Three great choices. Congrats.

doesn’t matter one lick for pre-med. you need to be looking at other factors like location and social life and vibe.

Emory is definitely on the quieter side. But Atlanta has a ton to offer just a short uber ride away. there is no football and sports in general are not a big thing except for the athletes themselves. But there are parties and Greek life for those that want it. Emory has more diversity than most top schools.

USC is a lot bigger, much more urban neighborhood. sports are big and there is that traditional type of rah-rah school spirit. probably a lot more bustle and activity on campus at any given moment.

Vanderbilt prob falls somewhere in between. it’s an urban area but it is not LA, and the campus itself is big and green. D1 including football sports are there and attended by students but certainly not as big as at USC. Nashville is smaller than Atlanta and LA but probably more manageable for the same reason. less spread out.

all are great academically and all have successful pre-meds who can do as much research as they want.

pretend you were not pre-med or dropped out of that track. now pick one.

Have you had a chance to visit any of these schools? (Love to hear your thoughts.) We are in a similar boat USC v Emory v UVA w/ Echols. We have spent time at USC as it is in driving distance - my son attended class last week. We haven’t been to Emory or UVA – but, are contemplating a trip. We’ve spent the last year dreaming of schools in the NE so this has been a tough shift.

I imagine matriculating to med-school from any of these three will be similar in a positive way – but how is the fit for you? Size, city, etc?

Definitely go see Emory and UVA. They’re not in the NE but attract a lot of NE students. Emory is much smaller than USC. UVA is just…historical…very classic campus.

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I’ll let you know if we make it! I’m so burned out by the process I’m having a hard time rallying for a trip. Appreciate your thoughts!

Sorry let me add but I know you read my last one - if you’re full pay SC is $90K+ now and Emory will be a lot and UVA too but a bit less.

All that said, it’s a huge investment over four years - so you don’t want to pass up the opportunity to see all three finalists. That’s why it’s important that you go!!!

Not sure where you wanted in the NE - but these are three of the top schools in the country - so all provide wonderful opportunities.

We had those choices for my daughter. We did visit all 3 schools and our least favorite was Vanderbilt. Emory was gorgeous, but ultimately, when we did the tours back in 2019, the moment we stepped on campus at USC, she knew she wanted to go there. She is now at USC and will be taking the MCAT soon. She has had many amazing research, clinical, and volunteering opportunities. Classes were easy to register for as well. She never has had a problem getting classes.

I think these are all great options you have, but at this point, it’s probably all about fit. Good luck!


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