Usc vs. Lmu college decision help!!?!?!

<p>I am making my college decision now as a senior in high school. I have done pretty well at a Jesuit College Prep school getting mostly A's and some B's. I am from the Bay Area so I will be moving down to Southern California either way. I do not know what to major in yet and any input could help on my major as well but I know I want to be an investment banker. Any ideas on what to major in? Also, I am trying to choose which school to attend. I have narrowed my choices down to Loyola Marymount University and University of Southern California. Both are great schools and I just cannot choose between the two. I like both for different reasons. If this also helps I am getting about 42k a year in financial aid from LMU while only about 25k a year at USC. The cost of attendance for my at LMU is about 13k a year while at USC it costs about 30k thats including the financial aid. Please any input on which school to choose and which is better for what I want to be would be greatly appreciated. Academics, reputation, social life, people, networks, etc...</p>

<p>I also plan to move back to the bay area after graduating…</p>