<p>Hello, </p>

<p>I'm a bit new to this forum, mostly just making useless posts in those TPBM threads, etc. Anyway, I have been accepted to USC (University of Southern California) with the Dean's Scholarship (was rejected from Bac/MD), and to the 6-Year Baccalaureate/MD Program (which is year-round, by the way) at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. I, too, have been taken in by the idea of Californian weather, etc, but I wanted to make a choice based on more objective factors (though my parents have instructed me to leave cost out of the picture for now, it's still something to keep in mind, I think). So, which option is better for a career in medicine (hopefully specializing in interventional cardiology). Factors I thought of off the top of my head were:</p>

Quality of education (if I go to USC I believe I'll be majoring in Biological Sciences, if at UMKC I suppose "medicine")
Risk of not getting into medical school/prestigious medical school (MCAT, etc).
Social life (I don't plan on drinking, etc, but I don't mind it if others do...)
Intensity of program
Future malpractice lawsuits?
Residency placement
Utilization of summers (internships if USC, classes if UMKC)
Alumni connections?</p>

<p>Some pertinent stats that may be of use:
SAT 2270
ACT 35
PSAT 210
Asian Indian male, but I want to socialize with all idealistic.
GPA UW 3.96 (about), W 4.5 (about)
European History-A in class, 3 on test
Eng Language-A in class, 4 on test
Calc BC-A in class, 4 on BC test/5 AB subscore
Chemistry-A in class, 3 on test
American History-A in class, 5 on test
Eng Literature-A in progress
Biology-A in progress
Statistics-A in progress
American Government-A in class
Comparative Government-A in progress
Physics-A in progress</p>

<p>All other courses honors/advanced where available.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>Read msdoc's post:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>While I would almost always go for the ba/md in this case, UMKC is an exception due to the fact that their residency list is a bit weak. If you really want to go into internal medicine/family practice/pediatrics, then UMKC is a great program. However, if you are interested in something like surgery, radiology etc. you should know that they don't have a very good placement rate in those fields. Check the last few pages of UMKC thread and I have the match list posted.</p>

<p>It's a great program, but three things: 1. It's 6 years and fairly stressful 2. You cannot transfer out to another med school; you will have to take some classes over somewhere else due to their unique curriculum and 3. Their match list isn't too hot.</p>

<p>On the plus side, it has great clinical exposure, there is still hope for going to a great residency granted you get good grades and USMLE, and the people there seem very friendly and tight knit.</p>

<p>Bottom line: If you're ok being a family doctor/ physician in the midwest, UMKC is for you. If you want to be a surgeon on the east or west coast, you might want to go with USC; it's not guaranteed, but at least you have a chance.</p>

<p>definatly go to USC. i agree with the above post, in that combined programs are the way to go, but UMKC is an exception. if you work hard at USC, you will do fine.</p>

<p>what about ucla vs umkc vs drexel/drexel? </p>

<p>i heard ucla is wayyy to competitive</p>